Hi , i am living in the midlands and we are looking to add a two storey side extension to the house, with a single storey protruding into the garden area, as part of this we plan to open up the kitchen and dining room into this new area, move the kitchen and thus create a open plan dining / kitchen area, also we plan to open up the stair well , in total the extension size is approx 45sqm, plus we have a flat roof which we want to extend one of our back bedrooms onto, this will mean remodeling the current roof layout ( removing 2 flat roofs with gables )
A architect visited spent 2 hours discussing our plans and has come back with the following quote, it seems a bit high to me so would appreciate any comments
Measure and create house "as is" drawings ( scale 1:50) £650
Prepare 1:50 sketch design drawings of new design (ground & first floor with fornt and rear elevations) £275
Prepare overall scheme level drawings for basis of planning applic ( ground floor first floor , roof plan 1:50 and front elevation,rear elevation and cross sections £910
Prepare more detailed drawings incl 1:20 scale to enable building reg approval (A1 size) £875
All these are plus vat , does not include fees to council or structural eng fees
Thanks for taking the time to look ... hope to hear from you
A architect visited spent 2 hours discussing our plans and has come back with the following quote, it seems a bit high to me so would appreciate any comments
Measure and create house "as is" drawings ( scale 1:50) £650
Prepare 1:50 sketch design drawings of new design (ground & first floor with fornt and rear elevations) £275
Prepare overall scheme level drawings for basis of planning applic ( ground floor first floor , roof plan 1:50 and front elevation,rear elevation and cross sections £910
Prepare more detailed drawings incl 1:20 scale to enable building reg approval (A1 size) £875
All these are plus vat , does not include fees to council or structural eng fees
Thanks for taking the time to look ... hope to hear from you