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What are you on about.

As I said in tne other thread. I think your on a wind-up, and I can't be arsed with you anymore.
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jbonding said:
lets start again then is the asian religious? if he was he wouldn't have the strength during fasting for eid

India: population 1.1bn. 880 million Hindus, 140 million muslims, about 70 million "other".

Pakistan: population 160m. 155 muslims, 5 million "other" including Hindus.

Bangladesh: population 144m. 24m hindus, 119m muslims.

Sri Lanka: population 20m. Buddhist, 14m. 1.5m muslims, 1.5m Hindus.

So, in total we have about 910m Hindus to 415m muslims. That is a ratio of about 2:1. Why do you assume asians are more likely to be muslims? Most asians I have met have been Hindu, if anything.

Oh, and remember that a large fraction of muslims are about as devout to the Islamic doctrine as you or I! Drinking alcohol, eating bacon, not praying 5 times a day...

I've never seen so many children playing football in the streets as when I went to Bradford. And until I lived near Edgware Road, I never realised just how popular football is in the Arab nations. I'm pretty sure there are no religious reasons for muslims not to play football! :LOL:
joe-90 said:
ban-all-sheds said:
What does the term "a limp-wristed hand wringing liberal" mean?

It means one who's thoughts are governed by an unshakable ideology rather than pragmatism.
By this (incorrect) definition, Adolf Hitler (dare I mention his name) was a LWHWL.
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Softus said:
joe-90 said:
ban-all-sheds said:
What does the term "a limp-wristed hand wringing liberal" mean?

It means one who's thoughts are governed by an unshakable ideology rather than pragmatism.
By this (incorrect) definition, Adolf Hitler (dare I mention his name) was a LWHWL.

It's a true definition. Which part isn't true?

Hi all

I have been following the thread with some amusement. Question - why is that if someone does not believe the same thing as the majority (even if it leans towards the racist side) then they are a beep and a beep - at then end of the day everyone has the right to an opinion etc? Also maybe some people have had bad personal experiences that make them lean towards the racist side? Someone asked why nobody will stand up and say I am a racist and i am proud - it's probable because he will get loads of abuse if he does! Just to clarify I am not sayine the racism is the way forward!
Unfortunately in this day and age you can get into to trouble for saying what you believe - if I call someone a p"£$ - he can actually charge me for defamation of character - it's pathetic!
It's not illegal to dislike any race. It's illegal to discriminate against a race.

As long as slogger doesn't go out of his was to dicriminate against a race in the real world (and not everyone in here lives in it) then he hasn't got a problem.

'Inciting racial hatred' was engineered in an attempt to close that gap.

no you cant get into trouble for tellling the truth

if the majority of us done this then who would lock us all up ? we are a force to be reckoned with and one that is getting louder everyday
Softus said:
joe-90 said:
ban-all-sheds said:
What does the term "a limp-wristed hand wringing liberal" mean?

It means one who's thoughts are governed by an unshakable ideology rather than pragmatism.
By this (incorrect) definition, Adolf Hitler (dare I mention his name) was a LWHWL.
Let's just assume it's true, for a minute. (No laughing at the back!!)

As well as Hitler, we could add Stalin.

Pol Pot.

Mao Tse Tung (or Mao Zedong if you prefer)

Maggie Thatcher

George W Bush

and countless others, but I think I've made my point.

If you're saying that I'm like them maybe I should consider suing you... :LOL:
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