Benefits for unemployed raised

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Good move. Nice to know the country can afford it.
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I think it depends.

If they are life long unemployed with no intention or effort put into work (like my useless brother in law) then they shouldn't get any more.

However if fallen on hard times then it's good news.
I think it depends.

If they are life long unemployed with no intention or effort put into work (like my useless brother in law) then they shouldn't get any more.

How dare you say such a thing you fascist! It's all the fault of the capitalist system, not your poor, downtrodden brother-in-law.

(I'm trying to beat John D to it!)
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Like the many thousands needing food banks.

Perhaps he needs gentle encouragement :mrgreen:

I even offered him a job, ok it was just working in a warehouse, all he had to do was get the bus, which I have him the money for and he never showed up.

His answer to me was, it wasn't what he wanted to do. He spent the £10 I gave him for the bus on junk food though.

There is some people that are just beyond help.

For clarity I'm not saying all people on the dole are like this, and this is good news for those that are truly deserving of it. I am not one to tar everyone with the same brush
Like the many thousands needing food banks.

Perhaps he needs gentle encouragement :mrgreen:

Unfortunately many people will lose their jobs and quickly find out what they read about the level of benefits is not true.

The economy has to rebound fast for this not to enter stagflation territory. A deep recession is on the cards.
The country can not afford it. It’s not the conservatives bankrupting us. It’s a worldwide pandemic that has the potential to kill millions.

The government are trying to stop permanent damage being done to the economy. We could easily have an additional 3m unemployed without protection.

House prices will plummet, pensions will be down 20%. Some defined benefits schemes will collapse. Pubs, restaurants, gyms cafes shops, airlines will go bust and the many millions of people who work there will need work.
It is a good move John, and you're wrong, the country can't afford it. I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make.

The last 10 years of Tory austerity have been terrible for the rich top earners in this country: theyve seen their income rise by a huge amount.

Meanwhile people on universal credit literally run out of money and have no food.
I know one woman who had 1 piece of toast, then nothing for 4 days.
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