I have been a little busy, therefore this debate has been somewhat lacking on my part. Tony states in post 5 of this thread, temperature gauge would not show 70 degrees C during HW delivery if DHW HE was totally clean.
Post 17. I am of the opinion that 70 degrees C indicates correct HW operation.
Post 19. Tony you disagree with what I have said questioning my experience of Biasi 24S (you are right- I do not see many- numbers are minuscule compared to number you see). Also, you state no boiler (that you are aware of) will indicate 70 degree C during normal HW delivery.
Post 26. I quote operation on Vokera Flowmatic and indicate similar operation on Biasi 24 and 28S.
Post 27. Tony you think I am doubting you knowledge of this boiler so you have to make a point that you look at a Biasi on average once every three days. It is further stated that Flowmatic with a ‘pot’ cannot be compared with SS plate heat exchanger fitted in a Biasi. I suspect your answer was ‘off the cuff’ remark since the Excel just like Biasi is fitted with stainless steel HW heat exchanger
Post 35. You are hedging Tony. I am talking of checking boiler operation during servicing, repair even normal operation (normal being a personal preference devoid of position on a scale setting) therefore HW stat is at max, burner rate is as stated, HW delivery is as speced. One person might want to take cool shower, you with HW stat set at normal mid position and someone else with stat against the stop ‘pedal to metal’ position. You feel a new boiler on a clean system will show a differential of 15 to 20 degrees. For education I did just that. Brand new Vaillant Ecotec 837 power flushed and chemically cleaned (7 days). Applied temperature probe to flow pipe (where the Flowmatic, Excel and Biasi temperature sensor is fitted). HW stat at max, hot tap fully open. Temperature on meter pegged at 70 degree C
Tony your final post on this thread does not make sense. The debate is 70 degrees C on the temperature gauge during HW demand. Nothing to do with proving you wrong- it is a debate. That is it. Typical boiler settings- I fail to see how one could use typical values to diagnose a fault. For instance, when checking burner pressure, one has to do this under certain conditions to get a definitive result.
You again mention that I am focussed on Vokeras and quote examples of faults on these boilers (name a boiler that does not suffer from similar defects) which I see as clouding the debate of 70 degree display. Other faults are not relevant. Dirty fans, split diaphragms, broken diverter valve etc are of no consequence.
I have already stated Biasi boiler I repaired/ serviced indicated said temperature. Test yesterday gave same results on a brand new boiler fitted to a clean system.
Tony. Above is not to belittle your vast knowledge. This debate started when you disagreed that a temperature gauge would indicate 70 degrees C during HW. So far you have not said anything definitive why you disagree. I feel a manufacturer will design a boiler with a main heat exchanger that will produce heat that the secondary heat exchanger will ‘sink’ thus results will be very similar between brands and different makes. Cost of appliance is irrelevant as no manufacturer, I would suspect, produce an appliance with mismatched components. I have shown in my postings on this thread, that a Flowmatic with a pot, Biasi with a plate heat exchanger (which is similar to a Flowmatic with plate heat exchanger which the Excel can be taken as) or a modern clean condensing Vailant combi, all give similar results
’70 degrees on gauge’ has enabled me to set the HW flow rate on combis when a Weir gauge is not available.