Big Numbers today

Don't worry, borisconi has said things will be better by April...

Funnily enough he said that last year...
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Ignoring long covid, which hits around 10%.

Like many other viral infections then.

Please can you give examples of these viral infections that are affecting as many people as Covid.

Source: BBC

Post-viral fatigue or a post-viral cough are well documented and common - we've probably all had an infection that has taken ages to fully recover from.

Around one in 10 people with glandular fever has fatigue which lasts for months. And there have even been suggestions that flu, particularly after the 1918 pandemic, may be linked to Parkinson's-like symptoms."

".............we've probably all had an infection that has taken ages to fully recover from."
I know that I have, and it gets worse as you get older. Sound familiar?

So just a silly strawman then

You're acting like no-one got ill before the 'rona. Newsflash - we did.

Just because you didn't Google it, do not presume it isn't the case.
There is anecdotal evidence that the new more infectious strain is less destructive and the new SA strain impacts yonger people more. Part of the reason the NHS is struggling is due to effective Covid treatment. In the spring a person who was going to get it bad would be 7-10 days in hospital before dying, now they are 2-3 weeks and surviving.

Sadly, I know so many people who had Xmas get togethers with family while in T4 even having dinner with people in T2. I don't think they quite realise how out there it is right now. Round 1, I knew of a few people who had it, now people in the next street, family, friends etc..
Someone else said something would happen last year. It didn’t.
Oh look, the creepy old man still can't let it drop...

Probably because it never has anything useful to say and can't stop playing it's duff record over and over again!

I could wish it a happy new year, but then I'd be lying :)
You're acting like no-one got ill before the 'rona. Newsflash - we did

How clever, trying to bury one strawman by setting up another one.

I don't remember glandular fever killing 600 healthcare workers.
Perhaps it causes lung scarring, heart damage, organ failure.....maybe people needed to be incubated.

I don't remember, perhaps it wasn't in the news :ROFLMAO:
There is anecdotal evidence that the new more infectious strain is less destructive and the new SA strain impacts yonger people more. Part of the reason the NHS is struggling is due to effective Covid treatment. In the spring a person who was going to get it bad would be 7-10 days in hospital before dying, now they are 2-3 weeks and surviving.
I've heard anneceotal accounts that it's the other way, that hospital stays are much shorter this time around. There have always been long staying patients, it's just the volume of cases now are so much higher.

Of course any data that says otherwise would be greatly appreciated.
Oh look, the creepy old man still can't let it drop...

Probably because it never has anything useful to say and can't stop playing it's duff record over and over again!

I could wish it a happy new year, but then I'd be lying
Well I won’t come down to your level as I don’t have that much spite in me. Despite our differences, I still wish you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year - and I’m not lying.
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I've heard anneceotal accounts that it's the other way, that hospital stays are much shorter this time around. There have always been long staying patients, it's just the volume of cases now are so much higher.

Of course any data that says otherwise would be greatly appreciated.
just hearsay from me I'm afraid, conversations with people I know who are surgeons/doctors etc.
How clever, trying to bury one strawman by setting up another one.

I don't remember glandular fever killing 600 healthcare workers.
Perhaps it causes lung scarring, heart damage, organ failure.....maybe people needed to be incubated.

I don't remember, perhaps it wasn't in the news :ROFLMAO:

Stay focussed Notchy. You asked what other viruses had effects beyond the initial illness, so I obliged you.
That you don't like being shown to be wrong (again) is not my problem.
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