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First Brexit conversation of 2019?
I no longer car. Just stock piling beans and rice, just in case it all goes tits up.
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To summarise.
The UK is a representative democracy.
The vote was non binding.
to reinforce that statement:

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Yep. It is the governments job to do what is best for the country. They have every right to pull the plug if the only deal is predicted to cause prolonged economic problems.
But, do they have the balls to do that? And if they were replaced in the next election, would the new government be expected to start it up again?
Will be an interesting few months ...
But, do they have the balls to do that?
When you consider that all that is left of the nutty Brexit mob are a bunch of coffin dodgers paying their final funeral instalments - who cares.

Have you seen what the Brexiteers managed to cobble together on their last protest? Lol.:ROFLMAO:
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It's all pretty acedemic I would think. Putin wants Ukraine, Xin wants Taiwan and Kimmy wants to blow everybody up again. Trump is going to have his hands full and Brexit will be unimportant.
quite a depressing conversation had on NYE with an ex-Navy officer - we need a war to sort out the mess.
The referendum said nothing about no-deal, hard-deal, soft-deal, Norway, Brino, or wait ten years until the UK can decide what it wants.

That was left up to whoever was in government at the time.

So the elected MPs have been given no decision on what to deliver.

The 52% can't even agree among themselves. If they had been given a choice in a referendum they couldn't have agreed.

So the MPs, and the government, can't follow the electorates wishes because the electorate didn't tell them, and didn't know, and still doesn't.
Those who wanted to leave expressed their wish like this:


It's a very clear expression.
Theresa has sent the letter of resignation, which is what the referendum said.

Everything else, the inertia, incompetence, squabbling, inability to decide on objectives or agree a plan or timescale, is down to the government and parliament. It is not a matter of following the electorates instructions in the referendum because there were none on these points. And there is no agreement on them.

Give it enough time and many quitters will be brown bread...

And the childish foot stamping quitters who are left may finally realise that they made a terrible mistake!


Not only is Elall counting on the death of a group of people to realise his political dreams, he also completely lacks self awareness. While him and John D cirticise the poor turn out at many leave protests he still suggests they're the 'childish foot stompers'.


MOD: Same old, same old. :(
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