Branson should

Large parts of the NHS are owned by 'Virgin Care', which comes under the Virgin umbrella, registered offshore (British Virgin Islands), any profits made off the back of the NHS will never pay a penny in corporation tax, in fact, nor will any Virgin company.

When he lost a contract for a local NHS trust to a not for profit organisation (profits to be put back into the trust) he threatened to sue the NHS trust because of 'flaws in the procurement process' and took a settlement of £328,000.00

So the backdoor privatisation of the NHS.
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Covid is a communist takeover. Watch Airlines and other industries ask for bailouts and possibly be nationalised.

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As the stock market has crashed, whatever these people have invested will be worth a lot less, as it will be for all of us, pension investments included.
He's no different to many other business people. ;) I had an interesting introduction where he started. Virgin Records. They had a shrink wrap machine in the back of the shop to make them virgin again. Not that uncommon elsewhere really.

Then he decided to invest in making quality floppy disks for a reasonable price. He did and the price was very reasonable. Stopped as he rocked the boat so another maker made him an offer for the business that he just couldn't refuse. He went into this because he just needed to buy equipment and it needed very few people.
Many of the companies branded "Virgin" are simply Licensing deals. Telewest and NTL merged and acquired a license for the brand virgin media. They aren't "owned" by the virgin group.
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