Brexit Benefit - Fake Honey

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"The report last Thursday by the JCR said honey imported from the UK had a suspicion rate of 100% and “this could be the result of honey produced in other countries and further processed in the UK before its re-export to the EU”.

But, but, but I keep hearing on this forum that because of Brexit it’s to expensive and time consuming to import goods into the UK from the EU and too much paperwork to export from the UK to the EU? Has that all ended now?
The beauty of importing honey is there is never any worry of it going past it's best before dates.

And let's not worry about low standards either
"The report last Thursday by the JCR said honey imported from the UK had a suspicion rate of 100% and “this could be the result of honey produced in other countries and further processed in the UK before its re-export to the EU”.

But, but, but I keep hearing on this forum that because of Brexit it’s to expensive and time consuming to import goods into the UK from the EU and too much paperwork to export from the UK to the EU? Has that all ended now?
No, what's happening is we're buying cheap Chinese honey which is often diluted with sugar syrup. We're then sticking a UK label on it and selling here or in the EU.

If you're doing it at an industrial level then shipping to the EU is still possible, just a pain in the arse.
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"The report last Thursday by the JCR said honey imported from the UK had a suspicion rate of 100% and “this could be the result of honey produced in other countries and further processed in the UK before its re-export to the EU”.

But, but, but I keep hearing on this forum that because of Brexit it’s to expensive and time consuming to import goods into the UK from the EU and too much paperwork to export from the UK to the EU? Has that all ended now?

Not sure as Brexiter you understand.

You seem to be a bit behind the times.

These are goods from outside the EU using the UK as a route to export into the EU or being repackaged for UK consumption.
Funny how brexiteers were moaning about a slight horse meat contamination a few years ago, but then they pooh pooh the idea that the UK could be responsible for sub standard food stuff exports. ;)

Well done to the EU for keeping up their import standards as regards dealing with an unregulated third country (y)
I read it and am not entirely convinced it says much.

Among the waffle. I picked up testing is unreliable and the results are disputed.

An old wives tale is that honey won’t mix in warm water easily and sugar syrup does.
Funny how brexiteers were moaning about a slight horse meat contamination a few years ago,

I read it and am not entirely convinced it says much.

Among the waffle. I picked up testing is unreliable and the results are disputed.
I read it, and it says a lot...

“The UK is flooded with very cheap adulterated honey imported from China. What is disappointing is that the British authorities have been very, very much reluctant to accept and address this tremendous problem"

“If this study does not trigger a broad and serious investigation in the UK like the one in the EU, then either the UK are completely incompetent or they are complicit.”

Of course this 'incompetence' and complicity will expand due to the extra sub standard foodstuffs we will soon have to be importing under the desperate post brexit trade deals...

Who would have thought that the UK government could equate 'keeping up food standards' with low welfare pig products under one of those trade deals :rolleyes:

I guess it then depends on who you believe are telling porkies ;)
Can you give an example of such a brand I could buy in the supermarket?
But, but, but I keep hearing on this forum that because of Brexit it’s to expensive and time consuming to import goods into the UK from the EU and too much paperwork to export from the UK to the EU? Has that all ended now

it is true there is now lots of Brexit red tape.

its so complex the UK Brexit govt recommend companies use a customs agent to deal with it….so more expense.
it is true there is now lots of Brexit red tape.
Well if they can do it for a drop of honey, those that say it’s too difficult must be either too thick or too lazy so they shouldn't really be in the import/export business……
If the honey exporters don't like it then they should test before export. Simple as that.
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