Charles Clarke sacked, haha.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Has anyone seen a thousand foreign criminals? I'm sure I had them earlier.
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Clarke is just the fall guy. He inherited a system that released prisoners to prevent them claiming asylum.

Now we've got little wimpy yes-man Reid. Worra plonka that guy is. He's the one that claimed smoking is only dangerous whilst you are eating.

Bad move.

joe-90 said:
Clarke is just the fall guy. He inherited a system that released prisoners to prevent them claiming asylum.

Now we've got little wimpy yes-man Reid. Worra plonka that guy is. He's the one that claimed smoking is only dangerous whilst you are eating.

Bad move.

well said joe, another case of a government having to bow to media pressure(albeit indirectly through the voter in this case).
makes you wonder how long blairs has got dont it

I give hi six months before the bunch of monkeys that is labour stab him in the back

my money is on straw or miliband being the stalking horse for Brown
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corgiman said:
makes you wonder how long blairs has got dont it
Over half of his member of the Labour partly are fed up with him. He's only staying to be the longest Labour MP ever, the power of the trapping come to mind.
corgiman said:
makes you wonder how long blairs has got dont it

seven inches according to Cherie.

joe-90 said:
Clarke is just the fall guy. He inherited a system that released prisoners to prevent them claiming asylum.


Fall guy???? He's the moron who tried to blame the Prison Service for releasing them. If the govt. says they ahve to be released though how can the Prison Service keep them? They did try to tell the govt....
He isn't a moron for inheriting a corrupt system that doesn't know how to deal with ex crims that are foreign nationals. It mattered not who was in charge - the system was corrupt.

How do you deport a Somali national? Well?

Quite easily - put him on a ship back to Somalia and when he gets there, shove him down the gangplank and take his passport away from him. If his parents complain then send them back to for sympathising with a criminal ;) :D
It cannot be done as it would infringe his human rights. Somalia has a regime that resorts to torture - therefore no Somali can be deported.

No AIDS victim can be deported - we must keep them and treat them for the rest of their days at OUR expense.

Didn't you mention euthanasia in another thread Joe???? ;)

Thing is, if we had tighter immigration controls we could stop people who are infected with AIDS or HIV from entering the country without good reason.

Oh yeah, and never mind about his human rights. What about the human rights of the people he offended against?
Brightness said:
Didn't you mention euthanasia in another thread Joe???? ;)

Thing is, if we had tighter immigration controls we could stop people who are infected with AIDS or HIV from entering the country without good reason.

Oh yeah, and never mind about his human rights. What about the human rights of the people he offended against?

You cannot stop people claiming asylum. It is their right under international human rights legislation. Only after their case is heard can they be refused permission to stay - but it's too late by then.

We can't return Somalis (torture)

We can't return anyone with aids (it's against their human rights)

We can't return Iraquis (too dangerous for them)

We can't return Chinese (country doesn't want them back)

So there ya go!

It's the PM fault he joined/ signed the human rights garbage.

Every one comes out with " it's my human right " :rolleyes:

It's one of many things he's done wrong, while being in power.
markie said:
It's the PM fault he joined/ signed the human rights garbage.

Every one comes out with " it's my human right " :rolleyes:

It's one of many things he's done wrong, while being in power.

Don't you think humans have rights, I bet you would complain pretty quick if yours were taken away.
hermes said:
markie said:
It's the PM fault he joined/ signed the human rights garbage.

Every one comes out with " it's my human right " :rolleyes:

It's one of many things he's done wrong, while being in power.

Don't you think humans have rights, I bet you would complain pretty quick if yours were taken away.

I do but I also think that the victims should have a darned sight more rights than the criminals :rolleyes:
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