Connecting old HD to laptop

28 Apr 2004
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United Kingdom
I have a hard drive from my PC which refuses to boot, I would like to connect it to my laptop or new PC to save the files from it, it is a Seagate barracuda 7200. Is it possible to do this without dismantling the laptop or PC
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If the pc won't boot, you've got little alternative but to remove the hard drive from the case and either use the device suggested by SteNova or a USB caddy. You can then connect the hard drive to the caddy and connect that to a USB port on your laptop. Assuming your drive is still in working condition, you should then be able to copy whatever files you need.
I bought one of the IDE to usb converters and fired up the hard drive, it shows up as drive f on my new pc but thats it, tried clicking on it, nothing happens, when i unplug it a window comes up saying disc needs formatting, anyone got any ideas?
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I bought one of the IDE to usb converters and fired up the hard drive, it shows up as drive f on my new pc but thats it, tried clicking on it, nothing happens, when i unplug it a window comes up saying disc needs formatting, anyone got any ideas?

If you right click and choose properties, what does it say?
When I right click on the drive, the egg timer appears and thats all, stays like that till i unplug it