Consequences of not rendering a thermalite block

17 Jan 2015
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United Kingdom
I'm considering not rendering a thermalite breeze block for an outbuilding rather than using dense concrete blocks. It will be single skin block and 50mm insulation on the internal wall and then plasterboard.

Does the block deteriorate if it's not painted or rendered? It will be close to both neighbouring walls (of their outbuilding) and fences so will be hard to do as well.
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You have to worry about frost resistance and water penetration damaging the building. You could at least clad it with something if you don't want to actually render.
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Acc blocks are frost resistant due to it's bubbleyness. (That word again!)
I have got some offcuts of Thermalite Turbo blocks that have been in my garden for about 10 years. They are a bit dirty but otherwise as good as the day they were delivered.

Note to self: I really must tidy up my garden.
But foundation blocks are aac and they aren't rendered.
Presumably they're by definition below the dpc, so water penetration isn't an issue. But if he's plaster boarding inside presumably he's intending it to be dry.
I didn't know off hand if thermalite are frost resistant,I was hoping someone who knew would arrive(y)

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