Conservative vote winner?

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In a rind about sort of way you've lowered the tone. Didn't expect that our of you. Your posts are normally measured.

Except on politics. But using the racist term Gammon is as unacceptable as the P word or the N words. An old white man is capable of changing his skin colour as an Indian or African.
Except on politics. But using the racist term Gammon is as unacceptable as the P word or the N words. An old white man is capable of changing his skin colour as an Indian or African.
A debate for another thread. Nosey has used the term alot and he does have a sub Indian tone to his skin. He claims it's a snow tan. But I differ and think his use of the Gammon is racist. Notch JohnD and a few others do use the word Gammon. I suspect from their posts that they are black ⚫️ or south Asian. Making them racist. Regardless we know John hates Jews ✡️ and is not keen on Somalians.

Let's be clear on this (and it is for another thread) racism is just as much from the left as it is from the right ✅️.
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But using the racist term Gammon is as unacceptable as the P word or the N words. An old white man is capable of changing his skin colour as an Indian or African.

But I differ and think his use of the Gammon is racist.

I had no idea it was considered racist. I've always thought it was just a bit of fun about people with certain attitudes, going red in the face when they get angry, thinking about gay people and immigrants etc.
going red in the face when they get angry
Correct. Follow any old duffer into the paper shop and watch his hue change as he reads the Wail, gammon-baiting headline. Usually about foreigners or some such. He'll need a fellow gammon to bounce it all off though.
I had no idea it was considered racist. I've always thought it was just a bit of fun about people with certain attitudes, going red in the face when they get angry, thinking about gay people and immigrants etc.

I’ve tried to point out before how offensive it is.

That silly old builder throws the term around!
I had no idea it was considered racist. I've always thought it was just a bit of fun about people with certain attitudes, going red in the face when they get angry, thinking about gay people and immigrants etc.
I'm not offended by it. As I think we should be able to joke and take the p¡ss out of each other.
Used correctly words are a unity of acceptance. However Gammon is racist if used with hate.
I’ve tried to point out before how offensive it is.

That silly old builder throws the term around!
Angry xenophobic flag shaggers who spend their days screaming about sovrinty are easily offended.

I’ve tried to point out before how offensive it is.

That silly old builder throws the term around!
He's a racist as his parents at least are from a land of darker skin than the pale skin of these islands.
Angry xenophobic flag shaggers who spend their days screaming about sovrinty are easily offended.


From your posts it's obviously that either you or your parents or their parents are from another land.
It tells us alot about the chip in your bitter racist posts.
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However Gammon is racist if used with hate

Isn't it more of a class term? It's not something I'd ever really thought about before, as it's always seemed like a bit of fun. I suppose I'm thinking of golf club types, swilling gin and tonics, and working themselves into a lather about gay people and immigrants etc.
Isn't it more of a class term? It's not something I'd ever really thought about before, as it's always seemed like a bit of fun. I suppose I'm thinking of golf club types, swilling gin and tonics, and working themselves into a lather about gay people and immigrants etc.

Yes I think it is in part a class thing. But still racist if said with venom.

I once went to a BBQ/party off Bondi beach when I was younger.

Kerry Packers gay buttler (my girl freinds uncle) grabbed me and put me on his knee and gave me a big drunk hug and a kisd. I did go red.
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