Controlling beer temperature

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
Been considering brewing lager and for this to work temperature is important. It would seem most people use a stc-1000 thermostat designed really to keep fish at right temperature it seems this has two relays one for heat and one for cooling and most use an old fridge but for this to work it needs to be where it is always too hot.

So my idea was a use a cool box unit which will both heat and cool. This needs 12VDC but the power supplies for LED lights are quite cheap. So should be three states cool, do nothing or heat.

I think it needs two relays one to reverse the DC side and one to allow power to power supply when either heat or cool required. So quick idea of circuit required below.

I have a number of thoughts as to what problems I may have from 12v rather then 13.8v to cool box unit to fans wearing out in cool box unit plus got to make a cool box big enough to take fermentor.

I am also uncertain if really worth the effort to make Lager or if to just drink the simulated stuff with standard yeast. However would like to see comments before going too far both here for electric side and brew forum for brewing side.

What I can't understand is why this is not a standard method is seems to fit the bill so why is it not already the standard method?
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If you have never made beer before I think you are making it a bit too complicated, yes temprature is important but unless you are brewing from scratch with grain hops etc a basic kit is not that fussy. I just put it in a warm place and cover with a blanket if I think it will be a very cold night.

Most people that don't have a warm spot use a belt or 25 litre heating mat.

Good forum here worth a look very helpful people on it.
I have tried two lagers first followed instructions and brewed at 20 degrees C clearly not a real lager the other done at garage temperature which varied at 10 - 18 degrees C and in the main below the 16 degrees which is published as the upper limit for lagers. However started 1st Feb and still not ready to bottle and temperature is now starting to climb.

I hope it will soon be ready to bottle and the acid test is to compare a lager type using a ale yeast and a true lager using lager yeast and see which tastes the best.

Was also going to try doing a dark lager and see how it compares and clearly until it has been conditioned and is ready to drink don't know if keeping the temperate down and using a bottom lager yeast is really worth the effort.

However last year I had to stop brewing in the summer as too warm so before that point is reached again though I would look at the options.

Using body warmers and sacks soaked in water can adjust the temperature but what I wanted was to start a brew and forget about it until time to bottle. So some automated system.

According to weather my house can be both too cool and too warm which got me thinking about the cool box lid which can either heat or cool the box contents.

Seems great idea but if so great why are not brewers using this method already? I think I have missed something vital but can't work out what.
I don't specialize, I do beer cider and wine when the mood take me, but there are lots of guys on the forum that are very experienced, well worth posting your question on there.
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