Corporal Punishment

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Blas, in answer to your request, I am in favour of it subject to the condition of it being formal. I am well aware of the arguments regarding "violence begetting violence", but it seems to me that the lack of this form of behaviour correcting technique over the last 25 years or so seems to have generated more rather than the expected less. Part of it may be the lack of opportunity to develop empathy with "pain" and "being hurt".

Anyway that's my opening gambit
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I would have to work for free for a while and i would for a while. and my view yrs ago was if i really needed a job then i would say try me, if you don't like me, don't pay me.

people are having trouble doing that, today.
Blas, in answer to your request, I am in favour of it subject to the condition of it being formal. I am well aware of the arguments regarding "violence begetting violence", but it seems to me that the lack of this form of behaviour correcting technique over the last 25 years or so seems to have generated more rather than the expected less. Part of it may be the lack of opportunity to develop empathy with "pain" and "being hurt".

Anyway that's my opening gambit
I'm still a little confused Canta (not unusual for me! :confused: ). Are you referring to corporal punishment being meted out to criminals etc?

I'm against it in relation to school children. My reason being the school I attended had more bullies in the teaching staff than there were within the children! As for 'violence begetting violence', there may be truth in that, I'd certainly still beat the living day lights out of one or two of the bully teachers from my old school! :evil:
We used to get the cane on a regular basis, and respected our teachers for the discipline, knowing that we, in most cases deserved what we got
no grudges were held.

We used to get the cane on a regular basis, and respected our teachers for the discipline, knowing that we, in most cases deserved what we got
no grudges were held.

Are you now into BDSM as a result?
We used to get the cane on a regular basis, and respected our teachers for the discipline, knowing that we, in most cases deserved what we got
no grudges were held.

Are you now into BDSM as a result?
Not at all, I was just telling it how it was, the misdemeanors we got the cane for were just boyish pranks, nothing serious.

I was just telling it how it was, the misdemeanors we got the cane for were just boyish pranks, nothing serious.
Nothing serious, just boyish pranks but the teachers/head thought they'd physically assault you for it?! Thank god it was finally seen for what it was then.

I ain't saying I'm against parents smacking their kids or any of that stuff. I'm not saying that all kids are angels and I'm certainly not saying there haven't been times when I've thought some of them could do with a 'good hiding', but for me, that's for the parent to mete out NOT just any adult. I remember once when I was about 14-15, I did something (can't remember what), but my mother gave me a smack for it. I recall I just smirked when she smacked me!!!!! BIG MISTAKE! She came at me with a broom!!! :eek: :LOL: But that was MY mother. I was HER son. When another adult takes it upon him/herself to inflict pain on a child then that's NOT on in my book. As canta stated, "violence begets violence"... If ANY adult inflicted ANY form of assault on my son I'd be 'begetting'!
At last someone else who realizes that assault is assault whatever the guise.
It's nothing to do with violence. What it is, is a 'line in the sand' that you learn not to cross. You take that with you into adult life - whereby the law of the land becomes that 'line in the sand'. Kids today don't know how far they can push things as they endlessly get away with it - so keep on pushing. Eventually they are kicked out of education into a life of crime and benefits.

Put that line back - and society won't regret it.
Kids today don't know how far they can push things as they endlessly get away with it - so keep on pushing. Eventually they are kicked out of education into a life of crime and benefits.

Put that line back - and society won't regret it.
I think they know full well where the line is or rather isn't.Its been said before and will no doubt be said again it all starts at home if the parents can't be arsed or indeed even lack the social skill's or know how then the kids or at least some of them have no hope.Giving them a thrashing at school because of their parents inability's isn't going to help.
The parents had no discipline at school either - that's why there's none at home.
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