D-Link router

I'm glad you've admitted your not clever,not polite either-i started posting quite happily until you got involved-You havent been trying to diagnose my problem-you've just spent your time getting my back up with smart-ass remarks-do you talk to your customers of your successful business in the same way as you do on here just because they dont understand your jargon,I dont think so otherwise your business wouldn't last long.Why would I stop playing with settings as you put it? The settings I've "played" with .are only what were mentioned in the manual. And the reason I'm using the voyager modem now is because the other one aint working FFS,I thought we'd established that much einstein,how the hell would i get any info on the net or waste my time arguing with you if I wasn't connected? If I was connected I wouldnt have a problem would I.Jesus you clever types aren't that clever sometimes are you :rolleyes: -Don't you think that if I have spent some time trying to connect to the net with a router and it wasnt working that I might think to get my other modem connected that does work and try and get some help or advice on what to do about it? Whats so strange about that? If you put more effort into being polite to people and asking your questions in a decent way instead of the BIG I AM then maybe my problem might be on the way to being solved and your head could swell that little bit bigger.......if thats possible. Oh and before you go on about how you give up your precious time to come on here and give us novices the benefit of your expert knowledge then heres a thing....DON'T DO IT...do us all a favour and let someone who hasn't got a chip on their shoulder have a go....just going to play with some settings because I will definitely get further doing that than any help you're likely to give out. Adios
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I think wires have also become crossed as well, the suggestion to forget the aol client for the time being was just, the reasoning being IE should be able to connect directly to the internet through the router without the aol client running. This is just to rule the aol client out of the equation. As soon as you get connected and IE running, you should be able to create a new location and the aol client will connect. The fact you cannot connect through IE says the fault lies with the network card/router settings. As Igorian said in his last post, have you checked the network card config? When you go into the router settings does it tell you anywhere that it is connected?
Thanks for the reply spark-yes,in the router settings I am getting a connected message and when I go into system settings-properties- and check the ethernet adaptor it also says that is working correctly.
The fact that the computer can talk to the router directly says to me the ethernet link is there, it is for some reason the PC is not using ethernet link to access the internet which appears to be the problem. Have you tried new connection wizard (if there is one in win 98 )?
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Not sure if there is a new connection wizard on win 98 but I'll have a look,got to get xp soon,especially since microsoft have decided to stop doing updates for 98 :( Thanks for your help and I'll plod on and see what I can come up with,I have learnt more on this pc by playing with settings than any other way I could have-but generally I dont mess with it if I think I havent got a chance and when you have a disc and a manual in front of you then you tend to think everything will be ok but things dont always work out that way-thanks again for your help spark.
chr15 said:
...they dont understand your jargon
I haven't been using any jargon. :rolleyes:

I dont think so otherwise your business wouldn't last long.
No; you're quite special - in oh so many ways. For example:

...got to get xp soon,especially since microsoft have decided to stop doing updates for 98 :
Mm, the two years notice that Microsoft gave you must have been quite a shock...


Why would I stop playing with settings as you put it?
Because the minute that you go off fart-ars*ng around with the settings, we have not the first inkling about the mess you've created. If I'm right, not only have you created two topics on the DIYnot forum, but you've posted the same problem on other forums and are wasting people's time there too. :rolleyes:

The settings I've "played" with .are only what were mentioned in the manual. And the reason I'm using the voyager modem now is because the other one aint working FFS,I thought we'd established that much einstein,how the hell would i get any info on the net or waste my time arguing with you if I wasn't connected?
Well, many people do it with the help of another computer. Or a dialup modem. Or a mobile phone. Or PDA. There are probably other ways too.

If I was connected I wouldnt have a problem would I.
Trust me - you'd have a problem even with everything working, because you can't help fiddling.

Don't you think that if I have spent some time trying to connect to the net with a router and it wasnt working that I might think to get my other modem connected that does work and try and get some help or advice on what to do about it? Whats so strange about that?
Nothing. That's what I would have done, but not on the same computer, otherwise I would be constantly changing the very thing I'm trying to fault-find. The two basic cornerstones of a fault-finding process are that you only change one thing at a time, and you don't make stupid guesses. You've already failed on both counts.

If you put more effort into being polite to people and asking your questions in a decent way...<rant rant rant rant>

<rant continued>...just going to play with some settings because I will definitely get further doing that than any help you're likely to give out. Adios
Really? You seem to be successfully ignoring spark123 and Igorian, who are being more than patient with you, so you don't have much hope.

Now then, back to business...

if you configured the router using Ethernet from the PC, then you must have had an IP address at the time. What you need to do is get back to that state. Once there, you should be able to "ping" an address on the Internet, for example, can you this at a command prompt?

[code:1]C:\ ping www.bbc.co.uk[/code:1]
If so, do you get a response that looks anything like the following?

[code:1]Pinging www.bbc.net.uk [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=248
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=248
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=248
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=248

C:\ [/code:1]
If not, what response do you get?
What are you on about softead?I havent posted on any other forums about this problem-probably a few million other people have-lets hope they dont get you then eh? You must have tried really hard trying to trace my other non existent posts-a right detective aren't we? And as I said before-nobody asks you to waste your precious time on the forums-DONT DO IT! but that wouldnt satisfy your need to feel superior would it. If im ignoring spark123 and igorian then how come you just done one of your many specially selected quotes from one of my replys to them then :rolleyes: . How do you know what settings i've fart arsed with? The very process of configuring certain hardware would invlove fart arsing with settings as you i'm sure will know in your successful business-but I forgot, you're somehow priviledged to fart arse with settings cos you know it all and were never a novice,you were just born with that big ole brain in your head or could it be that if too many people fart arse with their settings you might not have any business?or if not, dont moan about it because if it wasnt for us mere underlings you wouldnt have anything to take up your spare time with-were you teased at school by any chance? If yes then that explains a few things-if not then you must be a natural d***h**d, or else you do a lot of practising to get this good.
chr15 said:
I havent posted on any other forums about this problem
Fair enough - it was a guess. If I was wrong then I apologise.

nobody asks you to waste your precious time on the forums
Er, what I do with my time is none of your business.

How do you know what settings i've fart a***d with?
I don't, which is why I asked you.

The very process of configuring certain hardware would invlove fart arsing with settings
Well then, leave the hardware alone and follow the advice you've been given.

...could it be that if too many people fart a**e with their settings you might not have any business?
Quite the contrary - the more people do it the better, as far as I'm concerned.

were you teased at school by any chance?
Yes - and so was every other student. It's normal.

So - what was the result of the ping test?

Did you get replies, or "destination unreachable"?
Come on guys, this isn't going to resolve the issue and is making the thread unreadable.

Chri15, did you see my previous post regarding winipcfg and selecting the correct adaptor?
Igorian said:
Come on guys, this isn't going to resolve the issue and is making the thread unreadable.
A good point, and well made.

Chri15 - shall we bury the hatchet?
Igorian-yes I managed to get the settings from the Run command you suggested-it was as follows-
IP address-
subnet mask-
default gateway-
Now the first time I looked at this all the field were blank or at zero but later I noticed that there were two ethernet adapters listed and after checking again the first on the list was still at zero and the second were the settings I have listed above. Now these are both labelled as ethernet adapters and the adapter address numbers are the same apart from one ends in 00 and the other ends in 01. Does all this make any sense yet? Thanks
chr15 said:
Also just to clarify I am connected with the voyager modem at the moment and not the router.

Yes, that's a very relevant point because the ip address is a public one and not what I would expect from a router.

Disconnect the modem and fully reconnect the router and then run the command again, selecting the network adaptor. This will tell us if the router is talking to the PC.
One of the ethernet adaptors will be the Internal NIC in your PC, the other will be the USB virtual device used by your modem. You will need to select the other adaptor when you connect your router.
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