Did you have a job during high school/sixth form?

Paper round mornings, (nationals), before school and evenings after school for the local paper.
Milk round in mornings after paper round to bring me back to the area where I lived.
Friday evening/Saturday morning collector for window cleaner.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday delivering ice cream from a hand cart.
After starting work as an apprentice, I also got evening jobs as pools coupon collecting, VHS video hire, glass collecting in pubs.
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Tough paper round, uphill both ways. Then shop work to earn enough to purchase my discharge from the RN if I didn't like it.

Fighting the women off when in uniform for the next 27 years.
Paper round mornings, (nationals), before school and evenings after school for the local paper.
Milk round in mornings after paper round to bring me back to the area where I lived.
Friday evening/Saturday morning collector for window cleaner.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday delivering ice cream from a hand cart.
After starting work as an apprentice, I also got evening jobs as pools coupon collecting, VHS video hire, glass collecting in pubs.
Just remembering what a big deal the pools were, a network of collectors/ agents, pools rounds were really sought after and jealously guarded
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coveted job in the past was selling the Pinken football scores and reports paper on a saturday night around the pubs and clubs tips the guys got was far far better than the wages