Diplomat APM 8512 Washing Machine - No Longer Spinning

4 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom

I have a Diplomat APM 8512 Washing Machine ( I believe that is a Servis machine ) which is no longer getting up to the full spin speed of 1000 rpm.

I have checked and cleaned the filter - in addition the machine drains normally.

Machine agitates the drum left and right and spins gently :), but not at 1000 rpm.

I understand that this model has an induction motor - so no carbon brushes.

Based on this information could the fault be with the electronic module ?

Many thanks.
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I switched the module for a refurbished module. However with the refurbished module the machine would not even start ?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
It could well of been the motor capacitor that has become weak they were common to go on them as for the circuit boards they fitted quite a few different versions so it could be you've been given a wrong version as they appear identical looking at them.
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Many thanks.

Can the motor capacitor be replaced ?

When the refurbished module was returned, I was told that a chip had been blown on the refubished module ???
The capacitor is easy to replace but from what you say a blown pcb is not good news it could well be the motor's blown the board maybe time to replace the machine.

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