
4 Mar 2007
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United Kingdom
What is the height a person diving off a bridge would die of the fall.
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Hardly likely to die of the fall, it's the impact that would kill you.
Actually, regardless of B.O.B.'s intentions, it's a valid question - say you were a victim of, for example, explosive decompression over water, what's the maximum speed you could be expected to hit the sea and survive?
The "safe" impact speed depends on angle of entry and many other factors.

Feet first with the body in a straight line along the direction of travel is believed to be the best approach.

Any clothing is likely to cause injury as it is ripped off.

And it is necessary to slow down and get back to the surface before going too deep.

Flat is the worst and even at slow impact speeds serious injuy does occur.

A belly flop from the 5 metre diving board can be fatal.
Maybe BOB is wanting to have a go at "tombstoning". A google search might be enough to put him off, or encourage him depending on his state of mind.

rather than listen to advice BOB decides to go for it anyway
Crafty said:
bob is considering ending it all. :cool:

No crafty i was watching a video showing these people jumping off the golden gate bridge and was wondering if they would have survived,
I saw a documentary on the Piper Alpha disaster once, and if I remember one survivor said they are advised not to jump into the sea from the rig if you are any more than 100ft up as you might as well jump onto concrete.
if you drop something heavy in front of you it breaks the surface tension of the water and makes it "softer" to jump into.. so be the second guy to jump off.. and no more than a second behind him...
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