Doctors appointment

1 Aug 2008
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United Kingdom
Tried getting one lately?

I rang my GP's surgery this morning to be told the earliest available appointment is 11th May :eek:
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Mine is fine. There can be a delay if people insist on seeing a specific doctor. Depends what is wrong really, anything actually potentially serious and I would get seen very quickly
Blimey! You were lucky someone answered.

Mine is usually very good at dishing out appointments. Their real drawback, though, is trying to get them to answer the phone.

I recently needed an appointment and telephoned at their 'opening time' of 0830, as I wanted a same-day appointment if possible. The phone just rang and rang. I kept trying and eventually, at 0855, someone actually picked up. I assume that they begin the working day with a 20 minute tea break! :rolleyes:
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If it is the same as my doctors the phone rings flat out from 8.30 to 9ish. Much easier to just go to the surgery, they always seem to be able to fit me in. Not that I've made a habit of it mind
Our doctors open (or start answering the phones at 08:00 . From that time, I think it takes about 40 re-dial attempts to get a ring tone, only for the receptionist to tell me that "All todays appointments have been taken. However, I can log on to the surgery's website system and make an appointment in a months time (no doubt I'll be better by then, unless I can plan my illnesses a month in advance) . ;) ;)
Our doctors open (or start answering the phones at 08:00 . From that time, I think it takes about 40 re-dial attempts to get a ring tone, only for the receptionist to tell me that "All todays appointments have been taken. However, I can log on to the surgery's website system and make an appointment in a months time (no doubt I'll be better by then, unless I can plan my illnesses a month in advance) . ;) ;)

I'm afraid that, although our GPs have a web site, they have not yet advanced sufficiently to provide e-mail communications or appointments. I can't think why, as it would be more efficient for them as well as their patients.
Most of the people don't even need a doctor, they need a pharmacist. There should be a five pound charge to see the doctor.

Most of the people don't go to a doctor they're too busy working.

£5 charge. Like the charge for a prescription for those that work? I will have to start saving.
A five pound charge would stop the time-wasters and allow the genuine sick to have double the appointment time.
Most of the people don't even need a doctor, they need a pharmacist. There should be a five pound charge to see the doctor.

Refundable I hope if you have a genuine illness and what happened to the National Health Service?
A five pound charge would stop the time-wasters and allow the genuine sick to have double the appointment time.

Most working people seldom visit the doctor and are too busy to waste his/time. So the £5 charge would be paid by...............everyone?
Sick people and time wasting pensioners visit the doctor. The doctor is not employed by the NHS, they are self employed contractors. A five pound charge would help stop dopey hypochondriacs going round all the time over nothing.

I know someone who is claiming sickness benefit. he tells me that he (and others like him) attend the Drs on a regular basis to get free prescriptions that they chuck in the bin because when they have a health review for benefits - they can show how sick they are and keep on claiming.

Charge everyone.
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