Does It Scare You.

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A few days ago a black person was assaulted by a white person wearing a gorilla mask, & it was all recorded on camera.
It was only reported in the Daily Mail wasn’t it? I thought people on here say that anything in the Daily mail is fake?
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Evidence might not interest you but I am all ears. Anything else is just trolling.
Seems you have quite a thing about evidence. Do you have any evidence to disprove this, or will you carry on trolling by asking-
Evidence please....

Ok, any evidence for a creator?

Any actual evidence for that?

You made the stupid claim, not anyone else. Can't you back anything up with evidence?

Do you have any evidence to back that up?

Any evidence for that?

Any evidence for that?

Some evidence would be good.

Any evidence for that?

Any evidence for your questioning of this?

Any evidence for that?
Why do you put the word virus in inverted commas?

Oooh, I can answer that for him - it's because he's clevererer than us and knows the truth!
Some people don't even believe they exist.
On this forum a member asked me to provide evidence to my opinion.
Should I post a brain scan or something similar to prove that's my opinion???
Seems you have quite a thing about evidence. Do you have any evidence to disprove this, or will you carry on trolling by asking

You have put your finger on the major problem that’s we currently face:

It is easier to spread lies on social media than it is to challenge it.

Ellal spends his time posting disinformation, but you are annoyed Denso challenges that.
Do you have any evidence to disprove this, or will you carry on trolling by asking-

The burden of proof is always on the person making the claim . If you can't proof it, it's not true. Ie accepted as scientific fact.

We don't have to disprove it until you make a valid, logical reasonable claim.

This is how science works. This is how we have cars, space travel, the internet, microwave ovens, mobile phones, cordless tools, skyscrapers, and vaccines.

So next time, provide proof, don't ask others to disprove, as to do so means that you are either making things up, or repeating lies.
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