DVD killed the VCR

TexMex said:
Just feed all your houshold waste into your DVD drive and let the black hole convert it into a gamma ray for recording corronation street.

Surely this is the wrong way round? Don't the writers and producers feed a load of old rubbish into the Coronation recording studio, then record the dismal results???? :LOL:
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mildmanneredjanitor said:
I'm not fortunate enough to be able to enjoy eating in such establishments, but if one day I am, hopefully I will enjoy it without the need for crass statements like these.

Yes, it was a bit crass. That "£80 for two" dinner was a one off for me, I am normally a "Hungry Horse" pub man myself: 20oz steak for £9.99, get in! :LOL: I don't know what he was moaning about anyway, the company paid for it. I'm happy if I go to a meeting and they send out for sandwiches! :LOL: In fact I'm more than content if they provide coffee!

I've often wondered about oysters, but have never had the inclination to eat things that are still alive! Perhaps if you take advantage of your coastal location and branch out into the wholesale of "Les Fruits de (Weston-Super) Mare", you could start hob-nobbing with restauranteurs... they are bound to invite you to their restaurants for some top-class din-dins before long, trying to sweeten you up for better deals on their whelks.
TexMex said:
So all you need do is place a small black hole in the gubbins, and feed it with any raw material, and it will spew forth a tightly focused Gamma Ray beam.

Or alternatively

place a large John Prescott in the gubbins, and feed it with any pork material, and it will spew forth all manner of sh*te, as well as a tightly focused Gamma Ray beam.
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chainsaw_masochist said:
In the light of these differences over 'standards' does anybody have a view on the price of this pair of speaker cables I spotted in a brochure recently:
Kimber Select KS-3038 11ft(3,4m) £8,435!!!!!!! :eek:
Well, they are silver!

For Eight grand plus I'd want the feckin band playing live in my front room. :eek: :eek:
TexMex said:
Eddie, Gamma Ray lasers? surley they would be called Grasers. :LOL:

Indeed gamma Ray lasers are called Grasers, just as microwave lasers are called masers, and occur naturally in outer space. The problem is that the radiation has to be coherent. Bearing this in mind, this obviously completely rules out the John Prescott laser or 2jaser as the theoretical, but practically impossible concept is known :LOL:
pipme said:
Knock out yer own ....

Interesting site... So, what about rewiring the whole house with precious metals?

2.5mm T&E, each conductor has a diameter of 1.78mm. Silver wire with a diameter of 1.626mm is near enough. $320 for 30.48m. Of course, you have three conductors so that ends up costing $30 per metre. Again, you would need to get it insulated.

Would be a bu**er when you want to wire your electric shower in platinum, of course people who can afford that much platinum wouldn't shower, they would probably be bathed by virgins in a big hot tub full of rose petals or something.
Could always string the conductors between china insulators in plastic pipes ... On the other hand ... silver ear ring manufacture would be safer !! ;)
Just for fun a DVD recorder cost £999.00 in 2000
(today the same costs £249.99) so by that reckoning by 2010 we will be able to get a free DVD recorder in a cereal box.
By then we will have HDTV and have a holladecks......beam me up! :LOL:
Nearest thing I know to a holodeck is made by these guys. They have a system where you stand inside a 3m cube, all surfaces rear projected, wearing LCD shutter glasses, so you get a 3D view in all directions. You can walk around within the confines of the cube if you wish, and use hand-held controls to move around the view as you would with a normal 2d screen.

I have never used one, but a mate of mine has and reckoned it was brilliant. I can't imagine people queuing up to buy them to fit at home though!
Can we get back to Rum`n`raisin mullers please.All this techno stuff goes over my head.

Still hammering
aikon said:
By then we will have HDTV
We could have it now.

I saw it demo'd at the BBC studios in Ealing about 12-15 years ago. It was incredible.

Also, again many years ago, Sony's factory in Bridgend (IIRC) had a couple of HDTV monitors in the office reception area.
If I recall the BBC have started recording programmes in HDTV and aim to record everything in HD by 2010 (might have been earlier). If you think about how quickly they went from everything in 4:3 to everything in 16:9 then they should be able to turn HDTV around in this time scale, with their budget.

The BBC did some test transmissions of HDTV via satellite in September. You can already get that Belgian service, but it doesn't look too appealing!

I would have loved to have gone straight to HD when they introduced digital TV, but the main problem they have had with this in the US is price of a new TV. I think the "evolution" route we have taken in Europe is probably best in the long run, i.e. get people on widescreens and digital boxes, then start to develop into HDTV. HD equipment will be there for those who want it, those who can't be a**ed will (hopefully) have no problems. New digiboxes could always downconvert the HD signal to work with standard definition sets.

Another problem they have had in the US is allowing 4:3 ratio HDTV standards... Daft if you ask me, but even dafter is the fact that that many people spend thousands of dollars on these high-definition TVs with a square screen. I have bought Canadian DVDs, when they arrived I found them to be labelled "Full Screen version"... full screen my a**e, there were black borders up the side of my screen :mad: ;)

call me a cynic "CYNIC!!!" but I think it is more than likely down to marketing - for two reasons:
Firstly, if they combined the two (maybe thre if you include plasma/lcd) digital and HDTV, the costs would maybe too prohibitive and people would be put off. It is on when the masses buy new equipment that forces the prices down.
Two, this way the manufacturers can sell you more televisions, we all hate to be left behind and if there is a new must have technology - We must have it! (Well except me) I'm still stuck with a square telly and a cra*py £200 stereo! ;)

I think it's Dixons that are advertising a £20 DVD player at the mo! Coincedence with their recent scrapping of VHS recorders??? :confused:
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