"Eid" Festivities

15 Jun 2012
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United Kingdom
The "EID" Festivities start today,
A Three Day Festival, Give them your money (its for charity), ;)
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With the greatest personal respect I couldn't give two fouks about eid... it means absolutely nothing to me...

If I did research eid, as an alien (to me) ceremony, then I should research all the ceremonies of the 4000 other gods... I frankly think it's a waste of my life even thinking about it, apart from its negatives which are simply devisive and troublesome...

Keep your religious nonsence to yourself please.
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With the greatest personal respect I couldn't give two fouks about eid... it means absolutely nothing to me...

If I did research eid, as an alien (to me) ceremony, then I should research all the ceremonies of the 4000 other gods... I frankly think it's a waste of my life even thinking about it, apart from its negatives which are simply devisive and troublesome...

Keep your religious nonsence to yourself please.
So why respond :confused:
With the greatest personal respect I couldn't give two fouks about eid... it means absolutely nothing to me...

If I did research eid, as an alien (to me) ceremony, then I should research all the ceremonies of the 4000 other gods... I frankly think it's a waste of my life even thinking about it, apart from its negatives which are simply devisive and troublesome...

Keep your religious nonsence to yourself please.
So why respond :confused:

Are you suggesting there's something to supress my words/opinion?
With the greatest personal respect I couldn't give two fouks about eid... it means absolutely nothing to me...

If I did research eid, as an alien (to me) ceremony, then I should research all the ceremonies of the 4000 other gods... I frankly think it's a waste of my life even thinking about it, apart from its negatives which are simply devisive and troublesome...

Keep your religious nonsence to yourself please.
So why respond :confused:

In actual fact I find religion repulsive per se !

It has no base of logic and only supports its believers, so as an atheist I feel disgruntled (didn't think I'd use that word today) at the way I'm perceived by religious folk...
There may or there may not be a god. a creator, a reason.

I personally doubt that any organised religion is anything other that a manmade phenomenon to regularise and control large and sects of localised tribes who wish to expand their sphere of influence for the sole purpose of "safety in numbers".

However, even within that context, the vast majority of those who wish to celebrate Eid are doing so in peace, personal reflection and a sense of happiness. As such, as stated previously, it seems rude not to wish them every happiness over the next couple of days.
As such, as stated previously, it seems rude not to wish them every happiness over the next couple of days.

That is so wrong.... what if the celebration involved beheading a black child under the age of 1 because their god demanded it?

But more importantly, where is the comment by the eid supporters that says "happy atheist day" to me? I'm as important as them surely?
So no one has a response..... as I suspected !!! Religion is so much trouble... and difficult to justify unless you're in a group!!!
Here's a hypothetical for you - suppose, having spent your life as an atheist you discover on your deathbed that there was a god after all. More to the point, you discover than unless you atone for your sins then you, your wife and your children will be cast into an eternity of pain and suffering. The only way to salvation for you, your kith and kin is to pick up a gun placed in your hand by "god" and shoot a black child (miraculously placed on the visitor chair adjacent to your bed) in the head.

What would you do?
Here's a hypothetical for you - suppose, having spent your life as an atheist you discover on your deathbed that there was a god after all. More to the point, you discover than unless you atone for your sins then you, your wife and your children will be cast into an eternity of pain and suffering. The only way to salvation for you, your kith and kin is to pick up a gun placed in your hand by "god" and shoot a black child (miraculously placed on the visitor chair adjacent to your bed) in the head.

What would you do?

I'd shoot the messenger!

Just thinking, though. Perhaps we should have an 'Atheist Day' for those of us who are enlightened. Any suggestions for a date?

I'll go for 3rd August. I'll say why later.
How about day number 222 on the earth's annual cycle around the sun, with day number 1 being the longest day which (presumably) repeats itself every 365 days or so with the occasional need for adjustment.? I.e. lose the concept of months.
As such, as stated previously, it seems rude not to wish them every happiness over the next couple of days.

That is so wrong.... what if the celebration involved beheading a black child under the age of 1 because their god demanded it?

Keep your hat on, Somby. It doesn't involve such a thing - it's in your head.
But more importantly, where is the comment by the eid supporters that says "happy atheist day" to me? I'm as important as them surely?

Have a nice day
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