Eight e-petitioning days to go.

10 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
Eight e-petitioning days to go.

Catherine and Keith Redmond have only eight days to go before their e-petition closing date arrives.

This Family Plumbing & Heating firm from Southport up in Lancashire have done a lot in their locality to make people aware that Warmfront is an Affront to the tax payers of this country.

I know that those of you who are life long members of the Apathy Club will simply say, “what’s the point,

nothing will change”.

In answer to those thoughts I would like to point out that these are the defeatist words that some men in suits are desperately hoping you will say.

Where as I am saying give this hard working couple your support, get on to your key board and click on the e-petition link,

By taking this action you will be showing people in high places that you are not happy with the way £millions of pounds has been wasted in what was supposed to be a Government action that would remove people from fuel poverty.

How on earth can charging extortionate fees for heating systems that only come with a two year warrantee on the boiler and not fitting the energy saving weather compensation controls that will enable the condensing boiler to achieve maximum economy along with minimum Carbon Dioxide production be justified.

One could be forgiven for thinking Warmfront is being run by the advisers who ran the MP’s expenses department.

So let’s show those at the top that these spanner men and women who make a real contribution to this countries economy what we really think about the Warmfront disaster by going to http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/WarmFrontScheme/ and filling out the petition and show your whole hearted support to Keith and Catherine Redmond’s e-petition.

I have done.

Timothy Puddick

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The Warm Front Scheme tender document is 48 pages and totally excludes all small firms from taking part in the scheme. Traditionally it is these small firms who have done the bulk of this work. This is unfair competition. The scheme is distorting the market. Householders are having to wait for installations and given no choice of boiler, while small local firms that offer value for money have no work. All gas installers, are regulated by the Gas Safe Register. All installations have to be registered and comply with building control. Small businesses could supply a better product at lower cost. If hoseholders were free to obtain their own estimates for the work, they could in most cases avoid top up fees and get a better quality boiler. Local Building Control could administer a local scheme giving householders choice and the tax payer value for money if all firms could quote competitively for the installations. This should be normal practice in a democratic free market economy, which I considered Britain to be.

Now I miserably failed english at school but nevertheless I would not have ended a letter to the Prime minister with a preposition and would have avoided the embarrassment of being a 'hoseholder' by using a spellchecker
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