English Baccy

A grammar school in nearby town were getting their scholars 12 O-levels regularly (and huge numbers of grade A's) so my parents pulled me out and I got sent there.

What struck me was the decrepit equipment and buildings the grammar had. Government was intent on shutting it down and refused to give any more money than neccessary. Ever since I have realised that throwing money at a school is worthless, it's the standard of the teaching that counts.
I passed the 11 plus - just - worse thing that ever happened in my life :evil: I could get by on a couple of academic subjects , but my real joy was hands on stuff - that was non existant there. 5 years of my life wasted by politicians :rolleyes: Mind you , I sucessfully wasted the next 10 off my own bat :mrgreen:

LOL I failed mine, as did my Dad, he got a pHD (DPhil) from Oxford uni, and I got a degree from Bristol.
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If it actually inspired people to enjoy learning then it might have a point. I read recently that everything you learn in your 10 years a school could actually be taught in about 100 hours.

I love learning stuff. I'm the big kid that never grew out of asking why. Why is that? [See!] That's not a cheap joke. Seriously, why? Is it innate? Am I the lucky one that survived formal education's attempt to beat me in to submission. I certainly didn't like school that much.

Who does education really serve? Isn't it really the case that most employers (and governments for that matter) actually don't want inquisitive, creative thinkers. Most of them wouldn't know what to do with one. What they really want is an army of little compliant drones that get up and shuffle around when the bell rings - like so many Pavlovian automata. And that's basically what they get...
Don't accept your 100 hours claim, but your final paragraph is very true.

The country certainly needs some people who can think out of the box etc etc. But most employers need people who will turn up on time, do a full days work, and not get drunk so they cannot work the next day. Not take sickies etc.

Problem is nowadays the yoof think it should be handed to them on a plate, don't think they have to prove anything, and going to work is an inconvenience.

So it's bad attitude in a lot of ways. I cannot help feel that teachers not being able to discipline children any more has a lot to do with it too.
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