Eurozone in trouble.

If Parliament had of done it's duty and honoured the referendum result all this chaos could have been avoided.
I voted leave in the referendum, had the result gone the other way and remain had won ,I wouldn't have lost any sleep over it so why don't remainers just get over it and let the UK leave the EU.
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Buffoon continues to lose power and confidence, and the pound rises.

EU27 are no longer covering up for him and his false claims that negotiating progress is being made.

"Mr Juncker underlined the EU’s continued willingness to examine new proposals that meet the objectives of the backstop, but the commission said in a statement issued after the lunch that “such proposals have not yet been made”."

In this thread, mottie claimed that the Euro was in trouble.

let's see how the Pound has been doing against the Euro since the Referendum catastroflick:

View attachment 171537

Down down down... with a recent uptick when Buffoon's house of cards collapsed and it became evident that the Emporer has no clothes.

Down down down say you......funny how Boris's lead over corbin is going up up up .....that must really irk you ......... good !
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Are you German?or just anti UK?

It's John Deutschland he's so bitter after germanys being trounced twice by GB he deletes posts showing how British inventiveness has benefitted the world ........has Germany had a similar impact ? NEIN .
what was the pound to Euro exchange rate in 1999 and what is the pound to euro in 2019.?
1.42 and 1.12 respectively.

Educate yourself , the exchange rate between the pound and euro has been sliding for 20 years
Does that mean had the UK joined the euro at the introduction it would still be the same as 1.42?

How can you blame Brexit for the falling pound when Brexit hasn't even happened yet.
The usual excuse is uncertainty. Brexit shambles definitely qualifies.

The real reason for the lack of confidence in the pound is the antics of these remainer MP's.
That doesn't make sense. It was the first leave result in the referendum that started it and it continues.
It is only speculators who caused it but nevertheless it happened.
It's hilarious how brexers fail to see the connection between Brexit misery - pound fails and anything pro EU - the pound soars.
All you have quoted above could be a fair description of the UK today.
The pound against the Euro has been declining for years, in the not to distant future the Euro could be worth more than the pound.
All this while the UK is still a member of the EU, not much of an endorsement for the EU is it.
Britain still paying in more than it gets back from Europe.
Workers now have to work longer before retirement while other EU countries can reduce their own workers retirement age because they are receiving billions in subsidies from the EU.

Vinty votes to leave the EU.
Then when the pound tanks because of his vote he blames it on the EU.

Can Vinty show me where other EU countries are using the UK membership fee to pay peoples pensions?
(Obv not including EU parliament workers, since thats no diff to UK)

Britain still paying in more than it gets back from Europe
Completely wrong.
Educate yourself

Single market access is worth many times more than membership fee

You need to stop your bias from preventing you from absorbing knowledge, instead you keep repeating the same untrue rhetoric.
he real reason for the lack of confidence in the pound is the antics of these remainer MP's

Pound jumped up when Johnson the liar was stopped from getting a no deal through.

So facts proves you wrong.

Try to stop feeding your bias
Seems that the US is now in trouble too...

Their interest rates are also down again...

So who is going to come out of this worst?

The US?

The Eurozone?

Or Little Britain?

The mere mention of Brexit creates uncertainty, amongst other things, yes. The mention of Brexit, or even worse, no deal Brexit, has speculators running for the hills.

If you want the pound to fall just mention the words...Brexit - Boris - No-deal - Leave the EU - all in the same sentence.(y)
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