Faulty Magnaclean?

7 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom
When I had my new boiler installed 11 months ago I also had a Magnaclean filter installed.
Recently, my boiler shut down due to a low water pressure reading and I noticed water around the top "lid" of the Magnaclean and a puddle on the floor of the garage. I couldn't see/feel any leaks on any other pipes so I'm assuming the Magnaclean is leaking.
It's due to be serviced in a month anyway, but thought I would de-gunge the Magnaclean as it hasn't been done since installing.
I switched off the boiler, then turned the two black valves on the Magnaclean connections to the vertical (they were horizontal to start with), which I assumed would isolated the Manaclean. I then unscrewed the venting top a little assuming a little water may escape, but quite a lot came out, and it keeps coming out and doesn't stop! I've tried turning the black valves to all positions but it makes no difference. It looks like the valves should have an open and closed position i.e. should stop at horizontal or vertical, however, I'm able to turn one of them through 360 degrees which suggests it may not be working!
What am I doing wrong? Why is water continuing to leak out of the venting pin (when I've loosened it) on the top of the Magnaclean even when the valves are turned to their off position?
I dare not unscrew the lid of the Magnaclean until I'm sure I've stopped the flow of water otherwise I'll probably end up making a mess.
I've watched "the Magnaclean video", which makes it look so easy!
Please help.
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Yes, they're nick named 'Magnaleaks'.

When you have your service in a month's time, get him to rip it out and put in a properly designed and engineered Spirotech Magnabooster 2 instead.

I believe that British Gas stopped fitting Magnaleaks because of the problems you are now experiencing. They now fit Magnaboosters.
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Does anyone have any contact details for Magnaclean so I can discuss the problem with them?

A URL, email or phone number would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, the installer didn't leave me any documentation, so I'm not even sure how I would prove that it is within warranty without getting the installer involved.
Sorry, I did search on Google and saw Adey appear as the first site, but I assumed they were some independent tester based on the link from spareshunter, I didn't realise they made the things!

I hope my installer sent off the registration card otherwise I might be claiming through him!
adeys customer service is spot on, you shouldnt have a problem. Shame they're product is pony !
Yes, they're nick named 'Magnaleaks'.

When you have your service in a month's time, get him to rip it out and put in a properly designed and engineered Spirotech Magnabooster 2 instead.

I believe that British Gas stopped fitting Magnaleaks because of the problems you are now experiencing. They now fit Magnaboosters.

That's true BG stopped fitting them due to the sheer volume of insurance claims due to leaks. They're a good idea but are of very poor quality.

They've had faulty lids, faulty lid seals, faulty valves and bleed points failing to reseal. Basically the whole thing has faults.
BG carry replacement canisters and lids on van stock and also no longer use this product......

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