
Act of god


For years the experts have been telling the government that global warming is causing more severe weather conditions, especially more frequent torrential rain, and that drainage systems need updating.

Floods are not an act of god. They are cause by a lack of action from the government. In areas that received flood defence investment, the flood barriers worked and homes and businesses were saved.

Don't blame the magical man in the sky for the government's failure to protect its people!
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I wondered that, however it seems declaring a national emergency does start a process which begins with a COBRA meeting. And that brings together senior figures from different agencies to get stuff done.
Yes have the meeting or whatever to discuss if it's a national emergency or not, no problem with that.

But if it's a national emergency, then that would imply that it could effect the nation and it's nationals, like err WW2 or something, not a few inches of water in someone's back garden. This flood wont be affecting anyone else who does not live there, so we should not be contributing to the extra resources for sorting it out as part of any "national emergency"?
For years the experts have been telling the government that global warming is causing more severe weather conditions, especially more frequent torrential rain, and that drainage systems need updating.
Do you know how many times that village has been flooded previously?

Whether it's a frequent thing or a one off is the difference between responsibility of Boris or God, and either way its not due to some unproven scientific theory.
not a few inches of water in someone's back garden

Funny looking back garden


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I remember floods in the fifties were a frequent occurrence where I lived.

They were not due then to climate change but heavy rain - probably somewhere up river on the moors where it rains a lot.
Defences were built and it does not happen now.

Scare-tactic phrases by the media and weather reports like "A month's rain in three days" without saying if that is how it happens every year, are typical.
Whether it's a frequent thing or a one off is the difference between responsibility of Boris or God, and either way its not due to some unproven scientific theory.
Is 'god' a proven entity/theory?
I don't care if it's a once in 100yrs event. If you build anything on a flood plain, then expect it to get flooded . . .

You live on a flood plain. What part of it don't you understand???
I don't care if it's a once in 100yrs event. If you build anything on a flood plain, then expect it to get flooded . . .

You live on a flood plain. What part of it don't you understand???

But if previous governments have built flood defences, and later ones allowed them to fall into disrepair, why should the home owners be blamed?
If your road falls apart, do you expect the council to fix it, or buy a tractor and just say "hey, this was all fields once"?

Most towns and cities have grown up on rivers, and are therefore on flood plains. Thousands of years of development has allowed this, but that work needs to be maintained.

Or is your advice to evacuate London, it's on the Thames floodplain? Oh no, no need, they got £640 million in funding to reduce flood risk.
I don't care if it's a once in 100yrs event. If you build anything on a flood plain, then expect it to get flooded . . .

You live on a flood plain. What part of it don't you understand???
The problem with that is...

You might not actually live on a flood plain.

But a new development built on a flood plain then has consequences elsewhere!

Water has to go somewhere, and if it can't flow through natural courses then it tends to inundate other built up areas!
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