For those who only believe lies:

7 Jul 2010
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Boris Johnson to revoke Article 50.

I do not understand how this philosophy of only believing lies works, nor indeed how it is possible although widespread today, but the above is - at this present time - a lie therefore you will believe it.

Should it in the future become true, I will make up something else for you to believe so that you do not get too upset.
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Is not that simple.
Revoking article 50 is not in the rules.
A new joining application would need to be submitted.
Boris Johnson to revoke Article 50.

I do not understand how this philosophy of only believing lies works, nor indeed how it is possible although widespread today, but the above is - at this present time - a lie therefore you will believe it.

Should it in the future become true, I will make up something else for you to believe so that you do not get too upset.
Choices...I prefer to go with Tory lies rather than Labour Lies..No one is numb enough to believe Politicians do not lie...
Choices...I prefer to go with Tory lies rather than Labour Lies..No one is numb enough to believe Politicians do not lie...

People tend to be led in either direction by lies. Politicians really tend to be economic with the truth - more ways than one as far as economics are concerned.

I used to know some one who always voted Tory. Reason simple. They usually reduce tax. A valid view but we only get what we pay for and it is us that pay the bulk of it - mr and mrs average effectively.
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What causes people to vote one way or the other. Often people like this

:) The Tories seem to be pretty keen on advisers from the same country of late. They tend to specialise in this style of politics. They have been know to use rather large advertisement agencies as well. One persuaded Mrs T to soften her voice so that it would be more likely to appeal to people and similar in a number of other areas.
Can you image the state of the country if Corbyn was in charge.....................god help us.

Didn't Starmer say some time ago that we would be rejoining EU if he was elected PM?

Or was he lying too?

Keir Starmer during his leadership campaign said he wouldn't 'rule out campaigning to rejoin the EU'

I'm not sure how that can be interpreted as a lie?
Keir Starmer during his leadership campaign said he wouldn't 'rule out campaigning to rejoin the EU'

I'm not sure how that can be interpreted as a lie?

There are a lot of Lynton Crosby followers on here - only they don't realise they are.
Is not that simple.
Revoking article 50 is not in the rules.
A new joining application would need to be submitted.
Previously it would have been possible to just revoke article 50, various members of the EU had said that multiple times. Now we've left it probably isn't that simple, but let's face it Boris doesn't let facts get in the way of a good story.
There are a lot of Lynton Crosby followers on here - only they don't realise they are.
This bloke Crosby apparently isn't very good at what he does.

According to the Wikipedia link only a 50:50 record in Britain of working for the winning side.
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