Free Sims

11 Jan 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
A certain mobile phone provider whose name is among the gases we breathe has given me 4 free sims, where I only wanted one.

If anybody wants one (there are 3 going), just e-mail me (using simon@, not securespark, please) with your name & address & I'll stick one in the post to you.
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Most of the networks do this from time to time, keep an eye on their websites for the "free sim" offers. It annoys the hell out of my mates that I change my number so often, but I generally have a stack of sims from each network in my desk drawer, and when I notice that a certain network is offering cheap calls, free texts, or whatever on PAYG, into the phone that sim goes!!

My friends often say, "but I get XXX free minutes and XXX free texts, with XXX network, for only £30 a month.... F Off!!! I use the PAYG offers wherever I can, have never had to top up more than £10-£15 a month, and always have surplus credit... and it's not like I don't use the thing either!
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ive still got a nokia 3310 :oops: me and the wife have a joint account with orange and our MONTHLY bill never exceeds a tenner, one of the advantages of being Billy no mates :LOL:
I have a nokia.. 3310 ....awful .....reception .... walkinhg around what a nightmare ...tells us about it , are you get , know ... know .... That bitch ...

aye up lad , curry home .. lol ...