Getting quotes

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jefoss said:
sorry for interupting but it just came to mind when i read it
You're not interrupting at all, jefoss. In fact, you're one of only two posters (Bahco being the other) who have replied with anything remotely relevant.

OOI, in the scenario of your anecdote, did the other tiler get paid for the time he spent quoting on the job that was given to you?
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You might of been joking with him but you may not have been far from the mark...a few customers have told me about other people who quoted the jobs I got an said things like "he looked a bit past it" or words to that effect. Some people don't look at an old tradesman and think "bet he knows his stuff" - some think "whos this old farquar?" :rolleyes:

oh and bolo - well pointed out (and laughed at :LOL: ) ;)

Are you Bamber Gaspipe by any chance? :LOL:

I AM ACROSS THE POND so mate if you can, will you please translate what the hell is a BAMBER Gaspipe?

No wonder the "colonies" fought you blokes it must have been a mistake in the lingo and they went to war because of the language barrier.

Reminds me of my youth in the Navy when I visited Malta on a cruise and some lady said you have a great John Thomas or something to that effect.

I told her my name is Sylvan several times but she never seemed to get it through her skull...

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This morning while reading my morning paper I did something I never do - I read the classifieds! And what I read really did surprise me. No, it was not the "Bath wanted for gent with brass bottom" and it was not the "Part-time lady wanted for general cleaning including the occasional scrubbing of the back passage". It was the items listed under 'Services' that really caught my eye. Here we have a dozen or so tradesmen offering their services and almost without exception offering free estimates too! Why? Don't these guys know that this is a complete waste of valuable resources? I know that this is so because I have read it here in this forum. Don't they realise that: some people will never read their ads, some will read but forget the ads, some timewasters will phone up just for the hell of it, some will be genuine, phone up for a quote, get a better one elsewhere and so waste the advertisers time and some few will phone up, accept the quote and give the job to the advertiser.

Had they read the advice given by the originator of this topic they could have saved themselves time and money. They should have just sat back and waited for the recommendations of friends of friends who had a job done by them (the advertisers) and the work would have come rolling in.

Likewise, those who phoned in for quotes, should have just relied on a host of friends to recommend tried and trusted tradesmen. This would save them time and the tradesmen who lose out on a particular quote time and money.

And the thousands who offer free estimates via yellow pages? Well, I ask you, should they really be in business at all? No. And why? Because asking for quotes is just one big waste of valuable resources. Ask the originator of this topic.

In the real world, however, those that ask for quotes and those that offer them, know what they are doing - it is sound common sense.
Thank you Bahco.

You're right - I should have proposed an alternative instead of just suggesting its removal. The following would support my 'cause':

Please seek recommendations from people you know and trust, then speak to those recommended traders.

Instead of discriminating solely on price, set criteria for selection of the tradesperson, e.g. the one you get on with the best, and establish a trusting relationship with the person.

By all means ask that person for an estimate, or a quotation, but please bear in mind that every other trader whom you ask to quote may be spending time for which they won't be paid.


I do not know what rock you came out from under as your brain must be the vomit you spoke of.

As a legitimate contractor one has to put a price on their time as time is money THUS to write or give an estimate many fine contractors (NOT YOU) BUT GREAT contractors charge for giving an estimate as it takes time to go out look at the job , price the fittings and submit a proposal.

Some other contractors even as an incentive place the following at the bottom of the proposal "If we get the contract we will deduct the estimate fee"

Thankfully your in a country that allows even blokes like you to work without bothering to have to price up a job.

Having people get prices from several contractors is just plain common decency BY THE WAY I do a full 97% of my work by a hand shake and have a great reputation as being the HIGHEST PRICED plumber/ drainer /gas fitter in the area.

If you have a problem giving a price I suggest you go to school and learn BASIC plumbing pricing 101 how to add up labour (labor) and materials and over head and profit and possibly one day you too will be a semi good contractor able to write a price quote when needed.

When someone moves into a new area and need a new water main or drainage or gas fitting or a new boiler installed someone has to have a budget to work with in not everyone knows you ( or cares to ) thus like going to a buy a new car one would like to have an idea what it cost from dealer to dealer.

In repair work Time and Materials is the normal way to go as one has not idea what they may find inside a wall or under a slab the same with drain cleaning (drainers) as the sewer may be broken or just choked up with roots and no way to give an exact price so you can give an estimate based on past experiences.

I like the rule saying GET another Quote because even if I am higher and explain my services a cut above the rest I normally received the jobs and now have accounts that just give me the go ahead to do the jobs and in one case it was over $90,000 US Dollars on a hand shake

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