Good luck to the heroes!

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Not those pampered (and erroneously called) 'heroes' kicking a ball around in Russia...

The rescuers who are starting the operation in Thailand!

Having been helped through a small sump in Swildons, I can appreciate only a small amount of the fear/trepidation that the boys will be feeling...

Fingers crossed they all make it out ok!
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Its seems an impossible situation.

They dont know if the monsoon rains will fill up the remaining air pockets, yet rescue means taking young teenagers suffering with the aftereffects of dysentry and malnutrition on a route that takes 6 hours for a very experienced adult to do.

Fingers crossed indeed.

Rumours are the first rescue should complete about 4.00pm
"Thailand's government has released details about the rescue plan.
"The government has distributed a GFX about how the boys will dive out from Tham Luang cave:

  • equipment - air tanks, full face masks
  • two divers accompanying one child
  • they dive together, guided by the rope placed by the rescuers
  • when facing a very narrow path, they will release the tank from the back and slowly roll the tank and guide the kid through the channel
  • from Chamber 3 to the cave's mouth they will walk
The government says the advantages are that this could be done fast and without using much resources.
But it also warns that this requires requires high-level skills of the divers; the boys should have some diving skills, strong mind and should not be panicking."

That is a hell of an ordeal!
But the rain has started so no option I guess.

Once everyone is out, the caves should be bombed and filled in.
So this can never happen again. If I lived near it, I'd bulldoze it.
There is one just a few hundred yards from my home and that was its fate.
So stupid people have no access.
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There is a very difficult part which is a U bend shaped passage ohly 38cm high.

Which is wher, I think I heard was where the navy seal died, due to running out of oxygen.

The sections takes so long, the divers tanks have to be changed.
What ever possessed them to go in when they knew the caves can flood?
The rains?
Now a person has lost his life trying to rescue them. Silly sods.
I suppose if one person goes the rest follow like sheep.
Not wanting to be seen as cowardly shirkers.
Good grief. I agree with Roger.

They are 2, 3, 4km. from the entrance - depending which report you are reading.
After entering the cave and experiencing it, what possible reason is there to keep going?
Yes he has some explaining to do. but it’s easy to get lost
Take the wages off all those previously failed England footballers and put it straight into the bank accounts of those heroic divers.
Cars are a great benefit. Clambering into a cave benefits no one.
I guess then that you have never undertaken an activity that others believe 'has no benefits' and only concentrate on things that you believe has 'great benefit'?

No scrap that question...

Your birth disproves your point adequately enough!
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Take the wages off all those previously failed England footballers and put it straight into the bank accounts of those heroic divers.

well, i did see a WaPo article where in the comments section they had links to the donations page of the relevant (one's who initially found the boys) cave divers charity, so hopefully they'll get some funds for their outstanding efforts.
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