Help needed in understand boiler and thermostat settings

29 Sep 2015
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United Kingdom
I've recently started using a combi boiler for the first time. Thermostat and programmer are Honeywell and boiler is ecotec.

I've only been using the CONT and OFF settings with the thermostat at around 21 degrees when I've wanted heating.

What I've been doing is turning it to CONT and 20-21 (past the 'click' sound) and turning it down to OFF when I've wanted the heating off.

Usually, I turn it ON twice a day and OFF before bed.

I'm thinking there must be a more effective way of doing it where I don't have to turn everything OFF at night for there to be no or lower heating.

I think ONCE and AUTO might be better settings to keep it on but i've never tried those?

With ONCE and AUTO, could I keep it on that setting at all times and only adjust the temp by moving the thermostat?

Just a bit confused on what the best way to do it is.

Thanks in advance for your advice.
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set it to on and off from the time you would expect to first turn it on and the time you expect to want it turned off and adjust the room stat in this time period to suit your needs. If your going to turn it off and back on within a few hours its probably better to just turn it down alittle to avoid the temp dropping to much as it normally cost more to get it back up to temp.

The other option would be a more intelligent, i like the nest.
It would help if you told us what make and model the controls are, or at least whether you have a separate Thermostat and Programmer, or a Programmable Thermostat that combines both functions in a single unit.

In any case, I don't think you understand how a thermostat works. The temperature that you would like the room to be at, is the figure you select. Then, set it and forget it. When the heating is selected to be 'on' the thermostat will then automatically turn the heating 'on' and 'off' to maintain the set room temperature you have chosen.

Instead, it would seem that you are using the thermostat incorrectly as a manual on / off switch, instead of using the programmer to do this. If you say that you presently are switching the system on twice a day, then the 'Twice' function would seen to meet your requirements perfectly. Some units have the facility to set separate on and off times for each day, if you like a lie in on a Sunday for example. If you find that you need more functions than the current one provides, you would need to change it.
The thermostat and programmer are both separate and both Honeywell. The boiler is a Vaillant ecotec plus.

I thought that said 'twice' on the programmer but actually the settings are: Cont, Once, Auto and Off.

Last night I set it on Once, which also let me set two separate times. I set it for 7:00-9:00 and 18:00-19:00 and set the thermostat on 18 degrees as a test.

Today at midday, I checked the radiators and they were hot. I don't understand how that works since I thought outside of your settings the heating would automatically turn off?

I'm still confused by how the programmer and thermostat interact with each other on different settings. Also what is the purpose of the 'clicking' point on the thermostat at about 20 degrees?
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The point of the thermostat 'click' is not fixed, it changes, to represent the temperature of its current location. So if it clicks at 20 now, that is the present temperature in your room. If you were to take it somewhere cooler, then the position of the click would move to whatever the ambient temperature of its new location was.

Regarding the programmer, you will probably find that 'auto' gives you two on and off periods, and 'once' goes from the first on period until the last off period. So in your example on 'once' would be 07.00 until 19.00 and 'Auto' would be 07:00 until 9:00 and 18:00 until 19:00

Honeywell make lots of different programmers, I suggest you find out the model, and try an internet search for the operating instructions.
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Thanks stem I will try the 'Auto' mode.

Well right now I have it on 'Cont' on the programmer and 18 degrees on the thermostat. Radiators are all cold despite behind turned all the way on.

If I was to turn in up to 20 degrees, I'd hear the click and the system would suddenly burst into action and the radiators would start to get hot immediately.
In that case, the room where the thermostat is located will presently be above 18 degrees, and so the radiators will be off. Only when the temperature drops to 18 degrees or below will they automatically turn on.

You don't say where the thermostat is located, if it's a lounge, most people would select 19 to 21 degrees, if it's out in the hall 18 to 19 degrees would probably be more usual.
Well right now I have it on 'Cont' on the programmer and 18 degrees on the thermostat. Radiators are all cold despite behind turned all the way on.
The rads are cold because the room temperature is above 18C, so you don't need them on.

If I was to turn in up to 20 degrees, I'd hear the click and the system would suddenly burst into action and the radiators would start to get hot immediately.
The room must be warmer than 18C, but cooler than 20C. As you have now said you want the room to be 20C, the rads have come on to heat the room up. When the room temp reaches 20C the boiler will turn off. When the room has cooled down a degree or so the boiler will come on again to bring the room back up to 20C.
Well right now I have it on 'Cont' on the programmer and 18 degrees on the thermostat. Radiators are all cold despite behind turned all the way on.
The rads are cold because the room temperature is above 18C, so you don't need them on.

The wall thermostat is in the living room.

If the wall thermostat clicking point is supposed to charge point with the fluctuating temp of the room, why does it always click on the 18-19C setting regardless of the room temp?

The room might be freezing cold with the thermostat set on 16C (room temp clearly way less than this), and yet it still wouldn't come on. I always have to turn it up past the 'click' at 18C...

Basically, I cannot have the room on say 16C should I want it. If I want to have warm radiators, it has to be 18-19C minimum because that's where the click goes on and it fires up?

Could the thermostat not be working properly?
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Could the thermostat not be working properly?
That's a distinct possibility.

Can you post a pic of the thermostat?

Looks exactly the same as that.

It was tested before I move in and from my experience with these things, I'm pretty sure they always click on a certain fixed number, be it 15C or 19C. Never heard of the click point moving at least not on these traditional style of thermostats.

Just annoying that if I want it on anything less than 19C, I can't.
Thermostat will 'click' in line with air temp , if 5c air temp then stat will make/break @ that temp.
How do you propose a Honeywell frost stat operates?.. Exactly the same stat apart from a different user dial.
If void of a neutral then hysterises won't be as accurate (1.5/2c)
It was tested before I move in and from my experience with these things, I'm pretty sure they always click on a certain fixed number, be it 15C or 19C. Never heard of the click point moving at least not on these traditional style of thermostats.
What Gaswizard says is correct - the stat will click at the current room temperature. If it doesn't, there is something wrong.

Do you have a multimeter (and know how to use it ;) )?

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