here we go then

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Which one of the three pictured do you most fancy getting mugged by?
because as sure as day follows night there is going to be a price to pay for all the borrowing.
well whoever voted them in got them to borrow it!
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The sad thing is there will still be the mentally retarded who will STILL vote Labour.

Exactly how many lies do labour actually have to tell before these people stop voting for them? Exactly what level of ministerial sheer incompetence is required before the penny drops?
What ministerial competence will we expect to be put in place. :LOL:
The sad thing is there will still be the mentally retarded who will STILL vote Labour.

Exactly how many lies do labour actually have to tell before these people stop voting for them? Exactly what level of ministerial sheer incompetence is required before the penny drops?
And other mental retarded who will vote Conservative, despite their lies and incompetence :(
Does it really matter who gets voted in? The past few years have shown MP's for what they really are! Self serving, greedy, conniving, lying, law breaking fools.
We have seen and are still seeing their greed. The flipping of second homes, when they decide to sell them to evade CGT, employing family members, claiming expenses for almost everything they can get away with.
Now we have the prospect of 3 MP's getting legal aid costing millions to fight their cases in court. This at a time when the country is practically bankrupt.
Call me cynical if you will, but I can't see anything changing soon.
If Cameron was to state that he'd immediately close our borders to illegal immigration, repeal the abominable Human Rights Act, build more prisons and make sure a prison sentence is a harsh regime (instead of Butlins behind walls) and,,, offer the electorate a referendum on our future in Europe, He'd have my vote.
Heck, if Gordon was to say the same, he'd have my vote too.
As it is, you can bet your last penny,none of the issues I've mentioned, will be on offer to anyone. :cry: :cry: :cry:
On the morning of the election stand in front of the mirror and ask yourselves some important questions
1,I am happy with my lot and and think that Labour will keep the status quo
2,Its time for a change and the Conservatives seem to me the ones do it
3,Lib dems can they really offer an alternative than the main two parties
4,vote for one of the minor parties if thats what grabs your attention
5,the most important of all,no I can't be bothered to vote, in which case they have won because they have managed to grind you down :LOL:
What would happen if nobody voted?
would we have a coalition, if that is posible of all.
or could we have bloody coup, I think that's what's missing, a good old fashioned slaying of government.
Perhaps if no one votes it would be the signal for a coup, get rid of all the scum mp's and scum lords in one go and start afresh.

I think it is an insult to our intelligence that we are expected to vote for more self serving scum.
The sad thing is there will still be the mentally retarded who will STILL vote Labour.

Exactly how many lies do labour actually have to tell before these people stop voting for them? Exactly what level of ministerial sheer incompetence is required before the penny drops?
And other mental retarded who will vote Conservative, despite their lies and incompetence :(

But how do you know there incompetent? David Cameron et al have never been in power!! You have no previous example of the Tories competance. SO unless you put them in power you'll never know, and you criticism is ignorant and baseless.!!

You voted Blair et all into power 14 years ago, and none of them had been in gopvernemnt, but we were sick of the previous governemnt. Its exactly the same situation as 14 years with the politics reversed.

The bottom line is you KNOW for a FACT that Labour are incompetent liars, crooked and immoral, and you will be putting in power people like Mandelson, the slimy two faced crook, twice kicked out of office for lying, and a shameless self pocket liner. And you know for a fact Labour will lie to win, and then go back on there election promises, remember the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty?
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