Hoax call

16 Oct 2006
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United Kingdom
My friend who lives on a Housing Asociation Estate has had a bit of bickering with a neighbour over ,say, the last three months.

It's normally over children.

So, once a month a fire engine has turned up, informed ,children are trapped in my friends burning house.

This last time, a fireman asked my friend and his family if they recognised this mobile phone no.
His daughter recorded the no. immediately, but was asked to erase it, which she did (not).
The next morning, that number, on loud speaker, was rung, all in the family agreed it 14yr old whatsit from down the road.

They informed the police who took details on the phone over ten days ago, and they still haven't been seen yet.

The police have not been to the other family.
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libby, I expect you won't believe it when I say that I mean this in the nicest possible way, but don't you think that the police have better things to do?

No amount of police involvement is going to resolve the thing that started the bickering, and in many cases I've heard that it just makes it worse.

However, if an investigation is underway into the source of the prank calls, then there's no reason for it to involve your friend. Is there?
police are not interested, not enough "points"

I would disagree Breezer. Don't you think that the abuse of any emergency service would get special attention? Something strange about this one - normally, the cops would be right in there!
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softus, they need to contact my friend for a written statement.

Just to add a little more, which i'm sure iv'e mentioned in the past, concerning the weakness of the police, my daughter was the victim off a hit and run, their car hits my daughter's, and do one. 3 days later, she see's him on foot, mum,(other half) that's him, turns out i know him. i phone pc knob, as he's now known, and had to leave many messages for him that we know who it is,
Did he get back ?
libby lou lou said:
softus, they need to contact my friend for a written statement.
I don't see why, libby. 999 call, fire brigade arrive, no fire, caller's number recorded, summons in post. No need for anyone's statement as it's all on record.

Did he get back ?
If you write a letter of complaint to the police I expect they will take action.
so the other person now has three summones due ?doubt it, i think a summons on the first incident and a warning from the police would suffice, (did it happen ?)
Why should a fire officer ask if a phone no. was recognisable to my friend and family ?

I do agree with you on your second issue of writing a complaint concerning my daughters hit and run, however, i have NO confidence in the police anymore.(they were ready enough to be round our house within 24 hrs to make sure my daughter was legal!)

Going off track for a minute, i was assaulted by an officer many yrs ago and five pound went missing out of my pocket (1978) i complained, he was suspended for 3 months, by the time the Manchester CID/ police complaints had finished with me, they twisted it so much(i was only 18 )
they wanted me to write a letter apologising to the officer, and plead with him not to have me charged with wasting police time !

Surprising i don't trust them ?
The police aren't weak! To back this up, when we got ramraided the other night, 10 minutes later four police cars pulled into the car park at once! The night after they were doing reassurance patrols, and I went out to offer them a brew at 1am when they pulled into the car park, the two in that car came in, and four of their colleagues followed! :LOL: They dont do things by halves in west yorkshire :LOL: (It was a very cold night, hence the brews) :LOL:
libby lou lou said:
so the other person now has three summones due ?
I don't know.

Why are you suggesting something that you doubt?

i think a summons on the first incident and a warning from the police would suffice, (did it happen ?)
I don't know.

Why should a fire officer ask if a phone no. was recognisable to my friend and family ?
I don't know.

I do agree with you on your second issue of writing a complaint concerning my daughters hit and run, however, i have NO confidence in the police anymore.(they were ready enough to be round our house within 24 hrs to make sure my daughter was legal!)

Going off track for a minute, i was assaulted by an officer many yrs ago and five pound went missing out of my pocket (1978) i complained, he was suspended for 3 months, by the time the Manchester CID/ police complaints had finished with me, they twisted it so much(i was only 18 )
they wanted me to write a letter apologising to the officer, and plead with him not to have me charged with wasting police time !
This doesn't ring true, libby. I cannot believe that an officer would be suspended for three months on the basis of a statement from an 18 year that was later able to be twisted in the way that you suggest.

Surprising i don't trust them ?
I find that most people who tend not to trust are themselves untrustworthy. Are you the exception that proves the rule?
police are not interested, not enough "points"

I would disagree Breezer. Don't you think that the abuse of any emergency service would get special attention? Something strange about this one - normally, the cops would be right in there!

fraid it is, listenging to LBC other day, people calling in with their expearances of no police, several cops phoned in to say its to do with paper work (not the same time you understand)
fraid it is, listenging to LBC other day, people calling in with their expearances of no police, several cops phoned in to say its to do with paper work

I agree. The same thing happens around here. I also think though that the police would make hoax emergency calls special cases. I have a friend who can put me right on this one.
softus, don't know how to break my sentence's down like you do, to give your opinions on each remarke? i make.

Not really intrested in that. you gave quite a few .. dont knows.

That bit about me at 18, i don't how you feel it does not ring true to you. maybe your not experienced on that level?

I know, as do lots of people on here do, you are clever with your mouth, i think thats really good, i wish i was like you, why are you not in legal work?

I come on here to, maybe give/ take advice, but when i ask my questions, please don't comment if you don't know.

I think you can be pretty overpowering to some people, that's fine.

I look at how many is online now and again on Disscusion and there could be 60 people, 5-9 people are paticipating/taking part

Isaw a post that stated they had something to say but ....Softus terrifies me :D :D :D
libby, despite what you might think, it isn't my aim to make you feel unable to reply, so no breaking down of sentences here.

I agree that I haven't experienced many of the things you have, but nor am I naive. However, maybe I am being naive in not believing what you say happened with the police when you were 18. I just don't understand how it could happen that the evidence was turned around so convincingly from being able to cause suspension of a PC to being able to reprimand you and [nearly] force an apology.

The reason I said "I don't know", rather than say nothing, is because I thought you were asking me, and I thought that because your reply was directly after my post to you.

Leaving all of that aside, I agree that it's not beneficial for people to be put off posting for fear of being overpowered. I would ask you to trust that I have taken that comment to heart.
Wasting Police time might be bad but interrupting the Fireman's game of snooker doesn't bear thinking about.

And if it had been at night they might have even been woken up.
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