Honeywell Galaxy Dimension 96

9 Oct 2015
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United Kingdom
Hello everyone - I seemed to have bitten off more than I can chew. A couple of years ago we had a Galaxy G2-20 installed, I recently decided to change that unit out for a Galaxy Dimension with an separate Ethernet module. The mistake possibly was thinking I could do it myself.

Below is the steps I've taken so far:

*** Removal of the G2-20 ***
Disconnected power & battery
Disconnected battery from the outside bell
Wrote down and took photos of the G2-20 wiring
Removed wiring
Removed unit from the wall

*** Installation of new Dimension unit ***
Fitted unit to the wall
Connected the MK7 to the RS485 line 2
Power up and all works OK

Now I want to start connecting up the inputs (PIR's & 1 door sensor), the outputs (internal bell & external bell). However, the 2 issues I'm having are, firstly the G2-20 had a negative on the AUX power, yet I cant find any negative on the Dimension. Secondly, I cant work out how to connect the internal and external bells. I have included the photo I took of the G2-20 before removal and the new Dimension installed. If anyone can help I would really appreciated it?

Many thanks


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Would guess the bell is Rio 0 as per old galaxy's 1 being bell 2 relay strobe and aux tamper being tamper return, 12 v and ground being the power at a guess
Galaxy guy is probably the person to ask
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You're right Mark. RIO 0 output 1 for siren trigger and 2 for the strobe relay. The siren tamper return is marked 'AUX TAMP' on the PCB (second from right on the horizontal terminals) and the negative is marked GND (furthest right on the horizontal terminals). You need to add a GND(0V) wire link to the common on the volt free relay contact common terminal.

There are plenty of outputs and they are programmable. If the internal siren doesn't use too much current, then wire it's positive terminal to +12V and the negative terminal to one of the free outputs, then program that output to bell. If you want the internal sounder to keep on sounding once the bell timer has expired, then program it as strobe or intruder.
Hi Galaxy Guy. I was wondering if you could assist me. I have purchased a Galaxy Diamension panel and installing myself. I did not get an installation manual with it and can't find on line the information I require.
I have the system operating fine with just a few detectors operating at the moment. However it has 1 fault which is a communication fault as it does not have a telephone line connected. I don't really want the communication facility. Can I turn off this feature and clear the fault.
Many thanks for your time and assistance.
Kind Regards Andy
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Yes. It is straightforward to disable this:

* Enter engineer mode by entering the engineer PIN
* Select option 56 (comms)
* Select option 1 (internal telecoms)
* Select option 10 (line fail)
* Ensure that all three options are set to disabled

You may have to restart the panel to clear the fault (engineer option 51/17).
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Hi Guys
One more question if you should be so kind.
I have the touch screen on my diamension panel and now have the system operating fault free thanks to your help. On the side of the keypad/screen there are 3 led's that don't appear to be operating. I done a led test and they all operates correctly. When should theses leds operate?

The connections for the internal sounder are they the connections bottom left next to tamp return and ground. If so can I use the tamp return and ground for the tamper on the internal sounder I realise that I will have to connect it in series with the external bell tamper connections that are using these connections at the moment.
And finally on zone programing I have a duel tech looking at my front door for my entry exit route do I program that as a final input.

I appreciate all your assistance in these matters. I am a fire alarm guy with very little intruder alarm knowledge.

Kind Regards Andy
The LED's don't display when used on the Dimension panel. The keypad was originally designed/used in the American market, so the LED's were functional when connected to their panels. The UK regulations do not allow for set/unset status to be displayed, so the panel firmware does not enable the LED's.

Don't wire the internal sounder in series with the external. It makes it more difficult to diagnose issues. Just use a spare zone and add a 1k resistor in series. Set the zone descriptor to 'int snd tamp' or something you will remember and set the function to 24hr.

Yes, set the PIR to Final. It's always best to have a door contact, but if it's impossible to conceal the wiring, then you have no choice.
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Many thanks for your help. Hopefully I won't bother you again

Kind Regards Andy
Hi Galaxy Guy
It's me again. Can I turn the volume down to the internal sounder.
Kind Regards Andy
When fitting a Dimension in a domestic, it's best to set output 99 (internal speaker) from horn to something like strobe. This then allows the speaker to sound when the system is in alarm. You can then use the keypad speakers for exit/entry tones - the keypads are loud enough for this.

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