Hot Water 28mm then 22mm then 15mm

25 Oct 2008
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United Kingdom
I have 3 hot taps (bath, sink, kitchen sink) all connected to 15mm pipes. The cold water is fed to the cylinder on a 28mm pipe. The hot water from the cylinder is on a 22mm pipe. How are the taps connected to this pipe? All but the last one must be Teed off the 22mm pipe. I take it that under the floor somewhere the 22mm is not reduced to 15mm because no matter how many taps are used together you will only get 15mm worth of flow.
I also assume that using a 28mm input and a 22mm output the cylinder could never become empty. On the other hand if I could only get 15mm worth of flow from the cylinder I could feed it with a 22mm pipe. (Although I think this is contrary to Regs).

Am looking for clarification!

Thanks Mike :confused:
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