How many inches did YOU get last night?

"That was a typo. It should have been Floodway, not Flooday"

I guessed but sorry ..... didnt want to appear rude ..


call on me an my old my UK Army Regt to help defend your borders in your hour of need ...
we can make custard under fire ,lol

take care :) :) :) :)
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Nestor_Kelebay said:
Consequently, there is a long and winding connection between Winnipeg, Manitoba and the London Zoo.
Ah - but do you know the connection between Winnie the Pooh and Atilla the Hun?
ban-all-sheds said:
Ah - but do you know the connection between Winnie the Pooh and Atilla the Hun?

I know that one, but won't give the secret away :) I have heard that it is the same connection that Rupert the Bear has to William the Conqueror ;)
No, I'm sorry.

Good try, but it's actually the same as the link between Barney the dinosaur and Erik the Viking.....
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ban-all-sheds said:
Ah - but do you know the connection between Winnie the Pooh and Atilla the Hun?

I expect that if there's any connection between:
Winnie the Pooh
Atilla the Hun
William the Conqueror
Rupert the Bear
Erik the Viking, and
Barney the Dinosaur

it would have to be that they all share the same middle name with

Henry the Eighth.

(I don't expect that Winnie or Barney would terrorize the countryside, burn villages, slay the men and carry off their women. Although the change in public image would certainly get Barney and Winnie noticed, and perhaps boost their popularity. REAL bears and dinosaurs are not lovable friendly animals that sing nice songs to children. If Barney aspired to be a real dinosaur, he'd eat the children instead. Winnie would probably just maul them and leave them for dead. And THAT would sell more newspapers than anything Michael Jackson did, and might even get them both a lucrative movie deal. Then, when Lassie hears about this, he'll start killing chickens for a piece of the action. And I couldn't even guess what Heidi in Switzerland would do to get herself noticed. Join a 1esbian punk rock band and OD on heroin, maybe?)
aha....always was suspicious of Barney...yikes...he's creepy--and I suspect something is amiss with teletubbies, too---best way to watch them is when your abuzz...even then.....i guess you really have to be 3. .....come to think of it...this diy forum is a little like the 100 acre woods.....
Nestor_Kelebay said:
And I couldn't even guess what Heidi in Switzerland would do to get herself noticed.
"Heidi does Zurich" just doesn't have the same ring, does it....
mlb3c said:
aha....always was suspicious of Barney...yikes...he's creepy--and I suspect something is amiss with teletubbies, too---best way to watch them is when your abuzz...even then.....i guess you really have to be 3. .....come to think of it...this diy forum is a little like the 100 acre woods.....
The Hundred Acre Wood......Does that mean that on this site we are floating round in an upturned umbrella, looking for a landfall...... :confused: Hairyjon
About snow.

At the moment I'm looking at the primary school across the road, where above one class-room it's snowing! Just little specks, but definitely snowing.
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