How much compensation ???

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Absolutely obscene! :evil:

There are cuts being forced on pensioners and other lower classes and she gets this for allegedly being a criminal.
Neither do I so its not my money either, but in times when everyone else are being required to cut back on things how can anyone justify this sum of money to someone who has allegedly committed a crime in the course of their duties?
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Neither do I so its not my money either, but in times when everyone else are being required to cut back on things how can anyone justify this sum of money to someone who has allegedly committed a crime in the course of their duties?

It's shush money.

And not necessarily for any crimes, but just that generally they will likely have a "when you leave us you cannot work for our competitors for x months/years" clause in their contract.
I work for a multi national company and have a clause that states anything I design, invent or suggest becomes the property of the company and I am not allowed to take anything with me or design the same item for another company, nor produce anything of a similar nature to do the same job for at least 2 years. I am forbidden to pass on any trading information relating to customers past or present or anything which may prejudice the running of the company in a legal manner.
I'm damned sure that if I was to be sacked or asked to resign for something similar to what she has allegedly done then I wouldn't be getting a pay off.
She probably threatened to sing and get the old man charged. It was a gagging payment.
Possibly snico, but it's a choice I have the ability to make.

Not like the BBC where I am forced with menaces to pay up, and damn well like it or lump it when they pay people millions.
Well said A.S. I haven`t bought a paper for decades - I won`t subscribe to them , and now they`ve been shown for what they are :idea:
Its to keep her mate Dave in the manner to which he has been accustomed.
Possibly snico, but it's a choice I have the ability to make.

Not like the BBC where I am forced with menaces to pay up, and damn well like it or lump it when they pay people millions.

Heh....we disagreed entirely on the SAS soldier jail case, but on this AS, i'm right with you buddy.
How and why the BBC institution is allowed to get away with it is obscene at best.
I work for a multi national company and have a clause that states anything I design, invent or suggest becomes the property of the company and I am not allowed to take anything with me or design the same item for another company, nor produce anything of a similar nature to do the same job for at least 2 years. I am forbidden to pass on any trading information relating to customers past or present or anything which may prejudice the running of the company in a legal manner.
I'm damned sure that if I was to be sacked or asked to resign for something similar to what she has allegedly done then I wouldn't be getting a pay off.

I think my father maybe testement to the fact that is unenforcable!! (standard clause though) :D
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