How the times change...

19 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom
I got made redundant last April from a guy that I worked many years for. He turned round one day after we had finished a job and said ,"That's it no more work". I am now in my sixties and found it hard to take retirement, as I was and still able to work. I found it hard to be told "that was it"! The other day a woman friend of ours asked me if I knew a plasterer that could re plaster a house that she owned. I phoned up a lad that I trained up on a job many years ago and he worked for a plastering company after he left me. We went around to see the job and he is going to give her a quote. We agreed that we would do the work together. A few days later he rang me up and said, "I have got a rendering job to do. Would you give me a hand?. I said yes, no problem, we started today putting beads on and getting it ready for coating on Monday. And he said, there are a few people who want quotes. So now I am back plastering and doing the only job I love doing. So when you come to retiring age there is always something around the next bend that you never see till you open your eyes..I am a different person again (Back to my normal self and feeling as tho I am still worth something. Now I have got my selfesteem back. Can't wait for Monday to come!!!! Some people can't wait to retire, I was forced into it, that is the difference with me!!
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roy c, good evening.


What you are describing is networking, i have bumped along quite well for several years using networking.

OK I am not on the tools, left them many many years ago moved into other areas of construction, then insurance. All my best [paying] work has been networked

For example I had 4 yes 4 e mails from a headhunter looking for an Insurance Surveyor I called the guy and told him I was not looking for a permanent 9-5 + company car job I was freelance only, BUT?? I know of an immediately past work colleague who had joined a particular firm but was regretting it, one phone call plus a forwarded e mail and networking happened, my ex colleague landed an interview.

Strangely enough, a firm I worked for in 2014 contacted me last weel to say that 2 of their main players were off work at the same time, so I was asked to undertake some work for them, as of this afternoon I have agreed to undertake 4 jobs at a fairly good rate [£ / Hr] + travel cost.

Bottom line is Network contact and re contact all your previous employers and people you met on jobs

I am on LinkedIn a steady stream of possibilities pop up

Good for you Roy, Im really pleased to hear you are enjoying being back on the tools.

I hope your favorite, properly worn in trowel hadnt got too rusty :)

Have the old muscles been aching a bit?
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Cheers Notch, we were only putting the beads around this extension this morning and covering the patio glass doors with sticky plastic to protect the windows. Start coating on Monday,,,So muscles will be aching Monday night!!! P.S. Only use Marshal stainless trowels so no need sanding trowels like in the old days...
Hi alastair haven't heard from you for a while. Hope you and your family are well...
Great reading that story Roy mate. After doing something you enjoy for a lifetime, you can't suddenly stop. There are many people out there, much younger than us, but without the work ethic, everything handed to them on a plate. I love plastering too, have been a plasterer for more than 50 year, 54 years to be precise, and still enjoy doing it. Wishing all the guys on here all the best for 2018.
Great Roy, though i never knew you got made redundant last year, you cant keep a good man down.

Been busy last couple of years and dont have as much time as i used to but still pop in regular.
Still a great site with top advice from a lot of the regulars.
Hi Alastair mate, great to see you posting, and Stevespreader. A great bunch of guys on here, and it's also great to see newer names too. We all make a great team together on the Plastering Forum. Happy New Year Guys.
Sorry to hear that Steve wishing you all the best, you are more than appreciated on this site. Lots of healing vibes coming from me and my wife.Xx.
Sorry to hear that Steve wishing you all the best, you are more than appreciated on this site. Lots of healing vibes coming from me and my wife.Xx.
Cheers Roy dident really mean to come out with all that I normally keeps things to myself must be the wine cheers for those vibes
Wow Steve, so sorry to hear about your problems mate. I really wish you all the best, and hope things get better over time. I think it's disgusting that you can't get a benefit payment. When you think of all the scroungers that have lived off of the taxpayer for years, yet you get a hardworking man like yourself, paid tax for a lifetime,who suddenly turns on hard times, yet is not allowed sickness benefit, disgusting. Please keep posting on here Steve, and also, i'll send you a private message with my mobile number again. Keep your chin up mate. I had a chat with Roy on a private message, and also Alastairreid too. A great bunch of guys on here.

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