How you doin'?

11 Nov 2020
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Middle Earth
United Kingdom
Now the winter seems to have thrown the last of it's wet n' windy weather at us my question to you is...

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If you think thats the last of the wet and windy weather your faith is misplaced I'm afraid.
We ain't seen the last of it yet.
As for how I am doing? Ticking along and dealing with each piece of sh*t as it arrives.
No point in worrying about what may happen unless it does happen.
All in all I feel in a good place at the moment.
And you?
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If you think thats the last of the wet and windy weather your faith is misplaced I'm afraid.
We ain't seen the last of it yet.
As for how I am doing? Ticking along and dealing with each piece of sh*t as it arrives.
No point in worrying about what may happen unless it does happen.
All in all I feel in a good place at the moment.
And you?

I meant the stormy rains but you're right the rains will carry on, with cold nights for the next ten days. Fingers crossed it warms up a bit when the plumbers start switching our water supply on/off/on again when the bathroom is refitted.
At least the winter was mild enough to make the seasonal blues less severe this year but i cannot endure a spring similar to last year, when the frost burned the fruit trees and completely ruined their yield.
Some people call it 'First World problems' but if it's happening to you then it's very real and cannot be easily ignored. When the dark clouds gather in your minds eye it's hard to see a way forward, whatever the reason.
Some people call it 'First World problems' but if it's happening to you then it's very real and cannot be easily ignored. When the dark clouds gather in your minds eye it's hard to see a way forward, whatever the reason.

But you have to remain positive that good things will come around again. We've all been through dark/troubled times in the past and come out the other side, sometimes stronger and possibly a bit wiser, and when those times come we will push the darkness back where it belongs. Patience is the key.
Be careful, it's still winter :cautious:

How d'you figure that?
I take February 1st as the beginning of spring; or the moment i see the first crocus bloom in the garden, not the Roman measure of March 21st.
How d'you figure that?
I take February 1st as the beginning of spring; or the moment i see the first crocus bloom in the garden, not the Roman measure of March 21st.
Oh, I'm a bit of a traditionalist. However as there is a bit of dispute between spring starting at the equinox or equilux, I tend to start my official extra jovial season on the Sunday when the clocks go forward.

But I have been know to crack a smile when I see the crocus's, daffs and green buds on the trees before the official time. But don't let on. :cautious:
Oh, I'm a bit of a traditionalist. However as there is a bit of dispute between spring starting at the equinox or equilux, I tend to start my official extra jovial season on the Sunday when the clocks go forward.

But I have been know to crack a smile when I see the crocus's, daffs and green buds on the trees before the official time. But don't let on. :cautious:

Then you have another month of winter to go; too bad.
However, since the ground is frozen and frost has a grip over everywhere this morning, i fear Jack Frost isn't quite done with us yet.
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