How's your luck with Premium Bonds?

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I’m waiting for my bubble to burst, but that’s been two grand for us this year so far.
We both have the maximum amount in the scheme.
I guess more could be made by clever investments but at the end of the day I’ve no one to leave it to, apart from the usual gathering vultures!
I’m waiting for my bubble to burst, but that’s been two grand for us this year so far.
We both have the maximum amount in the scheme.
I guess more could be made by clever investments but at the end of the day I’ve no one to leave it to, apart from the usual gathering vultures!
Look up your life expectancy, and try to spend it fast enough to run out when you do.

Preferably recalculate annually and keep a bit spare just in case you are unlucky enough not to peg out on plan.

Life expectancy has dropped by two years over the last ten years or so. I wonder why?


I’m waiting for my bubble to burst, but that’s been two grand for us this year so far.
We both have the maximum amount in the scheme.
I guess more could be made by clever investments but at the end of the day I’ve no one to leave it to, apart from the usual gathering vultures!
Come on, nobody buys them as a stable investment! 3.3% tax free - on average. Easy enough to beat if you want to put some effort in, sure.
It's quite nice when the notices come, but any winnings would just go in the bank.
I'm also free of heirs, but also of vultures. Haven't bothered to make a will, yet.
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I’m just wondering if I’m going to get a personal best in the draw tomorrow. Four months on the trot winning **** all! :unsure:
If I didn't buy £1million's worth of premium bonds, does that equate to me winning £1million on the premium bonds???
If I didn't buy £1million's worth of premium bonds, does that equate to me winning £1million on the premium bonds???
No. why would it?

Edit: Oh, I see you've been to t' pub again earlier today. Explains your recent posts. Go sleep it off.
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How much you in for?
Just £15k this time - we used to both have the max but pulled it all out and went elsewhere and then Mrs Motttie's brother unexpectedly paid back a loan we gave him so we stuck it back in the bonds. Anyway, today one prize. £100 for me, nothing for Mrs Mottie, £125 for Mrs Mottie's mum. I think she's only got about £6-7K's worth.


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