I think the bus driver lost it.

Cajar- Don't overtake them if there's lights 100yds ahead. Use your brain FFS.

I can't believe i'm reading this selfish b*llocks :LOL:

What the F*CK gives you the right to say what he can and can't do on a road he presumably contributes towards.

What do YOU pay???? F*CK ALL

it;s not about who pays for the road.... it's about understanding the law... driving with due care... !!!!! whoops slipped up there didn't we?

And the comments on this thread have been crass bordering on obscene towards cyclists... what a bunch of morons :rolleyes: :evil: :evil:
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Don't be a t*t LMB. Your road fund licence(mine is £210 a year) and mine doesn't pay for the road.

Do you go steaming around a horse with a baw hairs width? No you total F*ckwit I bet you slow right down, giving maximum courtesy to the horse and rider because it might get a wee fright, driving 100% on the other side...

But a mile later with a side wind gale blowing you'll happily almost clip a cyclist in your pathetic attempt at getting past at all costs.

Bet you're a right fat wee d*ckhead..... :?:
I reckon that in time cyclists will get the ability to negotiate lights at junctions that separate them from the traffic flow. Of course when this happens for the benefit of motorists as well, the motorists will start bellyaching because they want to do the same.
At school we did or we were not allowed to ride to school

Yeah and then Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo and cycling proficiency tests took a wee back seat in light of the war.... :rolleyes:

I'd put a tenner on 90% of GD posters having last ridden a bike with a fixed gear or maybe those new-fangled state-of-the-art Sturmey Archer 3 speeds.

(But probably more experience with wheelchairs and/or motorised scooters of late?)

Actually I have a 21 speed mountain bike.
Your drugs are affecting you more than you think.
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21 speed? How very 90's..... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Steel framed? Rigid forks(Maybe State Of The Art RS Judy's?)

LMFAO....... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Think we should have a collection bucket put out for you...in your lilac/turquoise 90's gear......

You're the one on drugs mate!!!!!!
At school we did or we were not allowed to ride to school

Yeah and then Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo and cycling proficiency tests took a wee back seat in light of the war.... :rolleyes:

I'd put a tenner on 90% of GD posters having last ridden a bike with a fixed gear or maybe those new-fangled state-of-the-art Sturmey Archer 3 speeds.

(But probably more experience with wheelchairs and/or motorised scooters of late?)

Actually I have a 21 speed mountain bike.
Your drugs are affecting you more than you think.

only 21 gears? :eek: do you get benefits? what colour is your bike alarm?
or do you think f*ck it... it's their loss and accelerate?

Only if the baby is on a lead and wandering close when licking a ice cream.

you do seem to "get off" on that sort of stuff you sicko.. :evil: :evil: :rolleyes:

Thats for me to know and you to wonder about as you do ;)

I see the name calling followed by a ;) ;) ;) or three makes your insults fine again.

As for the colour, its what I spray it when the fancy takes me. One of the advantages of having a spray booth.

As for benefits, I have many. Good looks, the way I can deal with fools such as yourself ;)
Too many to mention really.
How can I be selfish and freeloading? Cycling is a hobby...I pay the full commercial rate for my VX Combo per year, so I have full rights to any bit of road I choose to venture on within the UK

(Unlike horse riders, who get maximum respect yet whose choice of transport literally sh*ts all over the road...but you have no problem with that eh?)
They don't block the fookin ring road every morning do they?
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