identity cards.........



we all know what happens when government/civil servants get a new computer system. works like a dream and on budget.

i wasnt going to mention child tax credits or child support agency....

but i just did.

id cards....bring em on........makes sense.

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I won't one!!
I can see why people don't like the idea of them "big bother" an all that jaz,, tough :D
Well don't worry. The first thing any dedicated terorist will do is apply for his ID card. Wouldn't want to arouse suspiscion by not having one.
as a taxpayer it is my duty to pay for idle kkn civil seeeervaaaaaants.
just like them folks would do the same for you..... ;)

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I don't have a problem with the idea. It's the thought of paying for them that sux.
Well don't worry about the £93 fee either. it was only £85 just before the election. So at that rate it over 100 before they pass the legislation and pushing £200 by the time they issue any.
Latest word in the media is that by the time they become compulsory they will be £300! And of course they (HMG) have got around some non-payers by linking their issue with passport renewals. Refuse to pay for your ID card, no new passport! Ain't life grand? :evil:
Ok having complex cards .. you need the means to interrogate them - quickly - If that is to be simple then watch the counterfeitors go to town ...
On the surface a good idea .. will it be the same as the old motor docs ? good for catching out people who comply ...
Someone close to me had an Id card from birth .. didn't stop terrorism in their home country !!

Surely DNA signatures are the thing to have encoded ? Or is the establishment afraid :-
(a) That crims may be dead to rights and less lucrative with respect to defence in court ... That of course leads to (b) Or are they afraid that their stats models may be shattered, once the whole population is sampled .. in terms of the odds against similarity, perhaps proven not high enough in reality to enable safe conviction ?

:D :D :D :D :D
id cards arent needed. i shouldnt have to prove to anyone who i am
I'm afraid I don't understand the ID card thing - will slightly hinder known terrorists (stops them pretending to be someone else), but if they are not known, such as some of the guys involved 9/11, what difference will it make?
pna said:
I'm afraid I don't understand the ID card thing - will slightly hinder known terrorists (stops them pretending to be someone else), but if they are not known, such as some of the guys involved 9/11, what difference will it make?

identity cards are like part P.... money making scheme
Agreed, the ID cards are a waste of time & money and is a threat to civil liberties and human rights.

Oh er, the French don't have to pay for their ID cards.
Say 50 million cards, each taking an hour of time altogether to get from notification to card in hand 50mil hrs = 297,619 weeks 24/7 = 5,723 years 24/7 an horrendous logistical problem .. all the errors, all the updates, all the aggro, those supplying will need people to design etc.. they'll leak 'what and how' to the counterfeiters ... Change the system, change the cards ... here we go again ...
The cr ap systems they'll buy in at astronomical cost .. which perhaps will never work (a) Because they'll be the usual rubbish and (b) Never get to be used because the HMG anchors will cancel it all, once they've chucked away more of our money, anyway.

Common sense says, if having a card keep it simple, such that it can be simply updated extended .. maybe only extended for crims ?
Don't try to produce an 'all singing all dancing' info card ... will become Jack of all trades master of none .. and a total crock of sh ite .. which is normal ...
:D :D :D :D
pipme said:
The cr ap systems they'll buy in at astronomical cost .. which perhaps will never work (a) Because they'll be the usual rubbish

Yes, sure, cause why would UK ever buy a system abroad that has already proven that it works ???
Always re-inventing the wheel :D :D :D
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