Immigration Crisis

18 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
A lot is being spent and lives lost or ruined in attempts to stop the dangerous Channel crossing by inflatable boats full of Illegal Immigrants who claim they are fleeing danger, but in reality they are is no danger settling in France / Belgium etc so the journey to Britain is not justified on the grounds of War/Danger.
The solution is easy and I can't understand why it is not adopted and the solution is to slash the inflatables ON THE BEACH before anyone gets into them, then boats then become unusable for the intended trip and any future intended trips. The gangs ripping these asylum seekers off will soon get the idea and stop the illegal trade in lives within days.
The solution is easy so why is it not adopted immediately, it would save lives and stop the illegal traffic and the lining of the pockets of the gangs organising it.
I clearly have something wrong here otherwise the simple safe solution would be adopted. so what am I missing?
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You are missing the point that our Government isn't really interested in the issue
If it were truly Humanity issues then we should send Cruise ships over to bring them to the UK safely, so clearly is is not a Humanitarian issue.
My suggested solution is humanitarian, it save lives and the ripping off of immigrants by the Gangs organising the trade.
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You are missing the point that our Government isn't really interested in the issue
If our government was not really interested, do you think for one minute the government would hand over £63M to France to help solve it??
not really a helpful comment.
The question is, "Why do the Border patrols not slash and deflate the boats ON THE BEACH before the Asylum Seekers get into them for the perilous and extremely dangerous crossing" That is a cheap, quick and extremely effective solution and saves these desperate people from the dangers it exposes them to. That is a humanitarian solution to the issue.
It would be so effective that there must be some other reason, which evades my simple mind, for it not to be implemented. The trafficking gangs would soon get the message, as all of the boats they are buying will cost them dearly.
If it were truly Humanity issues then we should send Cruise ships over to bring them to the UK safely, so clearly is is not a Humanitarian issue.
My suggested solution is humanitarian, it save lives and the ripping off of immigrants by the Gangs organising the trade.
You're lacking in basic humanity by trying to ignore the plight of refugees. Your argument is based on forcing the refugees to remain in France living on beaches and street corners.
A lot is being spent and lives lost or ruined in attempts to stop the dangerous Channel crossing by inflatable boats full of Illegal Immigrants who claim they are fleeing danger, but in reality they are is no danger settling in France / Belgium etc so the journey to Britain is not justified on the grounds of War/Danger.
If our government was not really interested, do you think for one minute the government would hand over £63M to France to help solve it??
not really a helpful comment.
Because UK is only interested in a resolution on its terms, which suits its ideology.
On that basis I suspect France is content to appease the UK, and keep taking the money.
Its a joint problem. Both the UK and France will benefit from the French taking a more aggressive stance to those who set up camp, assemble illegal craft, illegally recruit customers and attempt to cross the channel illegally.
Its a joint problem. Both the UK and France will benefit from the French taking a more aggressive stance to those who set up camp, assemble illegal craft, illegally recruit customers and attempt to cross the channel illegally.
The mayor of Calais put the blame squarely on the UK for making the UK such a lucrative destination.
The French taking a more aggressive approach might result in more refugees becoming more desperate and taking more risks, or the criminals exploring new routes and methods.
Then it would be self-defeating.
You're lacking in basic humanity by trying to ignore the plight of refugees. Your argument is based on forcing the refugees to remain in France living on beaches and street corners.
Strange reply. I am not lacking in Humanity at all. I suggest that we should stop these people from taking the enormous risk to their lives by using inflatable rafts to negotiate the Channel.
Also, how many of them are genuine refugees. I understand that many of them are fueling drug trafficking.
Also a lot of these people are from Albania which is recognised as a safe country of origin.
What am suggesting is a Humanitarian solution to an accepted problem. What you are suggesting is opening our borders to the world. Your suggestion is financially unsustainable to our fragile economy which is already under severe strain.
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The French taking a more aggressive approach might result in more refugees becoming more desperate and taking more risks, or the criminals exploring new routes and methods.
Then it would be self-defeating.
So what is your suggested solution. Your approach is like the approach taken by all opposition MP's, Disagree with any suggested solution but not offering an alternative. Putting your hands over your eyes and ignoring the problem is not a solution. You seem to suggest that the solution is to throw open our doors to all who claim persecution. That is unsustainable and rather dodging the issue.
Strange reply. I am not lacking in Humanity at all. I suggest that we should stop these people from taking the enormous risk to their lives by using inflatable rafts to negotiate the Channel.
If that was your primary concern you would consider providing safe legal routes.
As soon as you suggest ways to prevent them leaving France your claim to humanity disappears.

Also, how many of them are genuine refugees.
That is for the appropriate process to determine. You cannot prevent genuine asylum seekers from reaching their desired destination on the pretence of there may be some non-genuine asylum seekers among them.

I understand that many of them are fueling drug trafficking.
Of course you do, you read it in the media.

Also a lot of these people are from Albania which is recognised as a sake country of origin.
Then how come so many are successful in their applications?

What am suggesting is a Humanitarian solution to an accepted problem. [.
What you are suggesting is a denial of the existence of genuine asylum seekers and refugees.

What you are suggesting is opening our borders to the world. Your suggestion is financially unsustainable to our fragile economy which is already under severe strain.
Now you're being desperate, the world does not want to come here.
It's under severs strain because it's broken. The Government broke it.
So what is your suggested solution. Your approach is like the approach taken by all opposition MP's, Disagree with any suggested solution but not offering an alternative.
I am offering an alternative, but you're dismissing it out-of-hand: a safe and legal route.

Putting your hands over your eyes and ignoring the problem is not a solution. You seem to suggest that the solution is to throw open our doors to all who claim persecution. That is unsustainable and rather dodging the issue.
Now you're being desperate again. The world does not want to come here.
I am very much aware of the plight of refugees. It is only a problem because those who fail to provide an adequate working process make it a problem.
Now you're being desperate, the world does not want to come here.
It's under severs strain because it's broken. The Government broke it.
You wouldn't be a Labour Party Member would you? I understand the world does not want to come here, just 40,000 in 10 months is too many for us to adopt,
I am not a political animal, just suggesting a easy, cheap, quick, practical solution to an accepted problem.
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