Incensed by speed traps? You will be now.....!

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Caught a report on a Manchester radio news report that a speed trap (don't know whether fixed or mobile) caught 148 speeding drivers in a two hour period in (I think) Bury, including one travelling at 109mph. Think the limit was 50.

Sorry details are sketchy, I was only half-listening...maybe someone could help me out.
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lot of tikets!

was on road wars a few weeks ago that police expect to catch over 3 million people speeding this year
andrew2022 said:
lot of tikets!

was on road wars a few weeks ago that police expect to catch over 3 million people speeding this year

So where does all this revenue go then? It obviously doesn't go to the roads or the police authority, as the charges for the p.a. increase every year by way of council tax. :evil:
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It's not revenue it's Fines! don't break the law and you don't supply the fine - simple!
If you stopped 'breaking the law', they'd only bring the limits down again until an acceptable number did. Either that or the tax would have to be raised somewhere else....
If we take what you say as granted then when it gets silly with limits bringing cars grinding to a gridlock, don't you think there would be an outcry? not going to happen.
I'll return to Part b of my statement then. The money has to come from somewhere, and it is less of a political hot potato to raise fines for 'lawbreakers' rather than taxes, so they'd find it sooner or later......
jtaunton said:
I'll return to Part b of my statement then. The money has to come from somewhere, and it is less of a political hot potato to raise fines for 'lawbreakers' rather than taxes, so they'd find it sooner or later......
why do you think it would have to come from somewhere? these fines are extra to requirements and are not guaranteed like budgets so it would be foolish to rely on them coming in.
It seems to be one of those myths that goes round that the fine system is a means of governmental revenue.
most if not all would go into supporting the collection and processing of the fines themselves making the scheme less invasive onto the taxpayer.
If I've got it wrong, I'll apologise now as I don't really know the facts, but I'd be very surprised if someone somewhere doesn't make money from the 'fines'. It would, as you say, be foolish to rely on the revenue, but I bet someone does.

I think the thing that really bugs people is the way that perfectly reasonable behaviour can be termed lawbreaking. Nobody's suggesting that you should drive at 120mph outside a school at hometime, but you should be able to drive at more than 40mph on the 6-lane Leeds Urban Motorway that runs in its own canyon without a house in sight......
jtaunton said:
If I've got it wrong, I'll apologise now as I don't really know the facts, but I'd be very surprised if someone somewhere doesn't make money from the 'fines'. It would, as you say, be foolish to rely on the revenue, but I bet someone does.

I think the thing that really bugs people is the way that perfectly reasonable behaviour can be termed lawbreaking. Nobody's suggesting that you should drive at 120mph outside a school at hometime, but you should be able to drive at more than 40mph on the 6-lane Leeds Urban Motorway that runs in its own canyon without a house in sight......
Why Apologise? You answer like all of us to the best of your knowledge, agreed short distances of going outside the limit to a small degree are acceptable if road conditions dictate.
kendor said:
If we take what you say as granted then when it gets silly with limits bringing cars grinding to a gridlock, don't you think there would be an outcry? not going to happen.

An outcry!

Haha, don't make me laugh.

That's the reason motorists get hit to the tune of millions every year. Not just speeding revenue, but income from parking tickets, just to mention one other. Then you could have congestion charging........

Are we complaining enough to make an outcry? No.

That's why the Govt are finding more and more ways to fleece the motorist of more and more, and they will only stop when we say NO MORE! and our voices are loud enough to be heard.

They want us out of our cars and into public transport - what a joke. They have deliberately sabotaged the public transport network by starving it of funds, just so that we have to use our cars, thus ensuring a constant stream of money.

If they were so f'in serious about improving public transport, they would plough all the revenue from speeding fines into it. But instead they choose to create "safety partnerships" who have the power to put their earnings into more and more speed cameras.

Never mind your precious stance on speeding and Gatso's. It has been proved that in some cases, Gatso's have not only failed to reduce accident rates, but they have actually increased.

The Govt promised when Gatso's were introduced that they would only be used at accident blackspots. Can they honestly say that now? No.

You find them on nice stretches of straight road (sometimes hidden) where the unsuspecting motorist only has to exceed the speed limit by as little as 5mph in a 30 zone to get landed with 3 points and a 60 quid fine.

Don't dare tell me you have never exceeded the speed limit. I will not believe you. Even my mother who drives like a nun has got an NIP for doing 32. And you wonder why I'm cynical.

Most people who get done (like Mum) just pay up. The law tries to make it difficult to fight. Where else are you guilty until you can prove yourself otherwise? And where that fight to prove you are innocent is hampered by the authorities? And the call the UK a bastion of Democracy. B*llocks!

You say that if the Gatso has caught me at 36mph, then I must have been doing that. That is simply not necessarily so. Gatso's are adjustable, and as such can be set to show that you were travelling faster than you actually were. Is this fair? Ask yourself why the Govt is trying (and largely succeeding) to net more revenue from Gatso's than they otherwise would by illegal tactics.

Is that democratic? Or for that matter is this scenario?

You are caught speeding. You are not given the chance to deny the charge because you are forced to sign the NIP saying that you are guilty.

You are (often) denied the right to see photographic evidence BEFORE going to court. Also, it is made difficult to get a calibration certificate before court.

Even when you get that calibration cert., how do you know it is correctly set-up? And I'm not being Mr Paranoid here.

Once in court, the chances of you getting off are mighty slim.

I will eagerly await your response
Just wait til its privatised..then you will see revenues go up.
As Secure infers, Actions speak louder than words. Although i can understand the need to bring in some of these rules, those against should make themselves heard.
That's one of the biggest problems with the british public they will not back up their words with action but merely sit there simmering whereas folk like the french get off their ars*s and do something about it.
There is something wrong with this 12 month calibration business.
In aerospace .. Calibration is very important throughout ... equipment goes 'out of calibration' for various reasons, there are always cross checks available, especially when 'sentencing non-conforming components' as scrap or reclamation candidates.
Seems like people's 'record' or even livelihoods are being arbitrarily dealt with... Off the back of some creatively manipulated statistical data.

:D :D :D
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