Is it art or child abuse?

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The fact that this has even been raised is an indication as to the state of the world...but then I don't feel an urge to get all jiggy over it, so I wouldn't understand.
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I think it's wrong as it could encourage the perverts to act on it, by that I mean showing young kids the front page magazine and telling them can earn good money and be famous if I take a picture of you naked. OTT? maybe, I don't know.
I see nothing wrong with it whatsoever and think it's a sad indictment of the World we live in that any subversive meaning could be taken from such an innocent photograph.

We need to make society the safe place it was when I was a child where nobody would have looked twice at this other than to comment on what a great photo it was and how pretty the girl looked etc.

Why should we let the deviants in society shape the way we live our lives? ... Tail wagging the dog if you ask me ... Treat the deviants (or execute them, of course :evil: ) and keep society safe and innocent for the majority of decent people.

She'd have looked just as cute with her clothes on. Would you let a naked picture of your 6 year old be published?
I've already answered that Joe ... In that pose absolutely, I see no problem with the photograph whatsoever and neither would anybody else 20 years ago.

Presumably that's a clear enough answer even for you?

Oh I dunno Meg: 20-odd years ago, we had the Cleveland "child abuse" scandal - remember how paranoid everyone was then, when those that think they know best spouted such claptrap as statistically, a child was safer in its own house with a complete stranger, than it was with its own father?
There has always been child abuse guys but it wasn't at the forefront of everyone's mind as it is today such that schools are banning parents from filming their childrens sports day or their nativity play or them in the swimming pool etc etc.

The World's gone completely mad IMO and the children are the losers ... I grew up in a much more innocent environment and I think I was the better for it ... Sure, protect our kids but ensure their innocence by dealing with those who would abuse it rather than making society so paranoid about normal healthy activities with our children that we are prevented from doing them ;)

Well that's true, I'm guessing Cleveland was the start of all this over-reaction.

Mind you, that bloke from Corrie didn't help the situation, either :LOL:.
A couple of years ago we had our youngest Godchildren to stay for the weekend.

We don't get to see much of them as they live abroad and so we took loads of photos and video etc of the weekend.

I was filming Mrs Megawatt playing with them in the local park and a guy came up and asked me what I was doing filming children in a playground :eek:

I was absolutely speechless ... For about 1 second before I told him to f*** off and mind his own business the interfering tw*t :LOL:

But, seriously, how sad is it that we've let society get so paranoid that this could happen?

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