Is joe-90 (the mighty one) a racist?

Am I a racist?

  • Yes, you are a racist.

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • No, you are a realist.

    Votes: 19 47.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sooey wrote:
I don't see why being annoyed about having a shedload of thieving, begging gypo's descending on this country makes someone a racist.
Being annoyed about the influx of a large number of Immigrants who happen to be of Roma Gypsy origin doesn't make you a racist.

Calling the entire race of Roma Gypsies
thieving, begging gypo's
does though. :rolleyes:

If you can't see that you really need educating because you have no notion of what racism actaully is.

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Or to use Megawhite supremo's words:

"Oh how sad it must be to fear the competition from Roma gypsies."

Now that's what I call racism.
Or to use Megawhite supremo's words:
"Oh how sad it must be to fear the competition from Roma gypsies."
Now that's what I call racism.

The point I was making is quite obvious and says more about your inadequacies than the capabilities of this persecuted group of people.

Your complete misinterpretation is based on your values and beliefs ... That tells us all everything we need to know about Joe-90.

Two thirds of the people who voted in your poll agree ... Joe-90 is a racist ... Your own poll can't possibly be wrong.

And I have never had a single post deleted for being racist ... Joe has had dozens ... That's because ... I am not a racist and Joe is ... That's easy enough to work out isn't it :rolleyes:

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Dear forum users. Megawatt honestly believes that he isn't a racist. He really believes that. He has that odd psyche that actually makes him believe something that is patently not true to any outside observer. His psychological profile is clearly racist despite his pitiable attempts to disguise it. It's pretty clear to anyone with any psychological training.
Let me give you an example:

"Oh how sad it must be to fear the competition from Roma gypsies."

His disdain of the Roma people is obvious. He could be talking about animals:

"Oh how sad it must be to fear the competition from chimpanzees."

Just how sad does he see it to be on a par with a Roma Gypsie?

It is the most clear cut racist remark ever made on this forum - but he can't even see it.
The point I was making is quite obvious and says more about your inadequacies than the capabilities of this persecuted group of people.

Your complete misinterpretation is based on your values and beliefs ... That tells us all everything we need to know about Joe-90.

13/18 of the people who voted in your poll agree ... Joe-90 is a racist ... Your own poll can't possibly be wrong.

And I have never had a single post deleted for being racist ... Joe has had dozens ... That's because ... I am not a racist and Joe is ... That's easy enough to work out isn't it

"Oh how sad it must be to fear the competition from chimpanzees."
Any particular reason why you picked Chimpanzees Joe? :rolleyes:

I remember a period about 9 months ago where several of J90's posts were removed for being racially offensive by MOD7 I think.
I remember because J90 tried to deny it weeks after they had been deleted and was rebuked by the MOD concerned.
I saw some of the posts and they were not very pleasant .
I remember a period about 9 months ago where several of J90's posts were removed for being racially offensive by MOD7 I think.
I remember because J90 tried to deny it weeks after they had been deleted and was rebuked by the MOD concerned.
I saw some of the posts and they were not very pleasant .

Not true. Try proving it. (he won't). I seem to remember kicking your ass a few times - bet that influenced your poor memory.
Not true. Try proving it. (he won't)
How can he prove it Krusty ... The posts were deleted :rolleyes:

The fact remains that 13/18 people who posted in the poll have probably all also witnessed these posts (as did I).

I seem to remember kicking your ass a few times - bet that influenced your poor memory
Prove it (he can't).

Is that really the best you can do ... People who have been around a while have seen evidence of your racist bias and won't forget it despite your protestations of innocence and a desire for it to be forgotten.

Once a racist always a racist and I hope the Mods who deleted them all (if they are still around) have the balls to post that you are a liar and validate everything which has been said about you.

Even if they don't ... We know the truth :cool:

Once a racist always a racist


Couldn't agree more.

Which is why you said:

"Oh how sad it must be to fear the competition from Roma gypsies."

No imaginary posts eh mega? Just straight out racism.

You make me want to puke.
Sooey wrote:
I don't see why being annoyed about having a shedload of thieving, begging gypo's descending on this country makes someone a racist.
Being annoyed about the influx of a large number of Immigrants who happen to be of Roma Gypsy origin doesn't make you a racist.

Calling the entire race of Roma Gypsies
thieving, begging gypo's
does though. :rolleyes:

If you can't see that you really need educating because you have no notion of what racism actaully is.

Lots of immigrants (I believe too many)come to this country to work, and work hard for their money, and pay tax on it. Can you say the same for the average gypsy.
13/18 of the people who voted in your poll agree ... Joe-90 is a racist ... Your own poll can't possibly be wrong.

You have now changed it, and you are still wrong, 14 out of 32 believe that joe is a racist.
Which means the majority believe he is not.

Either you are lying to prove a point, or you just do not understand the poll....Which is it....?
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