It's only a matter of time...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
"Two years after the UK transitioned out of the European Union nearly two-thirds of Britons now support a referendum on rejoining.

A Savanta survey for The Independent also shows that the number of people who oppose another vote has fallen, with less than a quarter of voters now against a referendum.

The UK formally left the EU on 31 January 2020, but the “transition period” meant it observed Brussels laws and remained in the single market until 31 December 2020.

Since then Britons believe the economy, the UK’s global influence and the ability to control our own borders have all got worse, the survey also shows.

This appears to have contributed to a boost in the numbers who want a future referendum on membership."

Linky Linky

It is but one example of the shift in public opinion as the disaster unfolds in tangible ways...

Happy New Year brexiteers! :)
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"Two years after the UK transitioned out of the European Union nearly two-thirds of Britons now support a referendum on rejoining.

It strikes me as rather odd, that I have never been asked to offer my opinion to any survey in any way whatsoever.

Have you been asked? Did you answer on my behalf?

In a recent survey, 2 out of 3 cat owners answered that their cat prefers the food made by the the corporation funding the survey.

I have asked my cat & he is as nonplussed as I am. Who are these other cats that define what I like???
Do you think they would treat is without contempt if we re-joined? Just like a battered wife who left an abusive partner, they are lured back with promises of "better treatment", so they go back and "Pow, right in the kisser!"
They'd be idiots to let us back in at the moment. :(

And there's no way we'd get all the special benefits that we used to have.
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Like handing out large amounts of cash to bailout the Euro?
No, we had a beneficial deal previously where we didn't pay the full amount we should have been due.

So how goes this recent corruption investigation in the EU ?

Which is the tip of the iceberg
So how goes this recent corruption investigation in the EU ?

Which is the tip of the iceberg
If we investigated every corrupt football and sporting event we'd never do anything else.
If we investigated every corrupt football and sporting event we'd never do anything else.

Don’t think football and sporting events get close to the amount of corruption going on and has been going on in the EU

The country's present woes are due to money printing, dishonestly aka "Quantitative Easing", which was begun by Blair and Brown and continued by the extreme-left Tory party, peaking with the covid splurge.
When we've got baroness Mone fleecing us for a hundred million and people in the Lord's who should be on the Russian sanctions list I don't think we should be pretending to be doing any better.

How many arrests have been made over the caper ?

Any charges brought ??

Bags of cash found ?
No, we had a beneficial deal previously where we didn't pay the full amount we should have been due.

Good value, IMHO.

Like our Monarchy. (y)
Is Ellal saying the U.K. should have said it was leaving the EU but really stayed, giving excuse after excuse as to why it didn't? If we did that, nobody would ever take us seriously again.
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