Japanese Tsunami

Just wondering if anyone on here knows much about the part of history they played and what was their motive etc.

Try googling unit 731.

Of course saying that present day Japannese deserve what has happened is quite a jump, I shouldn't think many of that unit are alive now, although if I recall non were ever prosecuted after the war.
Or is it a more Biblical view some have "Let the sins of the father be visited upon the sons of the fathers" ?
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Just wondering if anyone on here knows much about the part of history they played and what was their motive etc.

Not sure about motives. I think it more to do with Japanese character traits and their psyche. On the face of it, it seems that they have sadistic tendencies.

Recent evidence of this was shown on the Chris Tarrant out-take programme that was on ITV a few years ago. This consisted of at least one prime-time Japanese gameshow, where torture and inflicting maximum pain on the contestants were the main aims.

That this sort of show would appeal to the Japanese viewing public is a little unsettling, but demonstrates their appetite for humiliation, domination and cruelty.
Just wondering if anyone on here knows much about the part of history they played and what was their motive etc.

Not sure about motives. I think it more to do with character traits and their psyche. On the face of it, it seems that they have sadistic tendencies.

, little unsettling, but demonstrates their appetite for humiliation, domination and cruelty.
Just like the English Public School around 1945 then :rolleyes:
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As far as I know the Brits are the only race in history to totally eradicate another race. There is no trace left of them, the Tasmanian Aborigine.
Just wondering if anyone on here knows much about the part of history they played and what was their motive etc.

Not sure about motives. I think it more to do with character traits and their psyche. On the face of it, it seems that they have sadistic tendencies.

, little unsettling, but demonstrates their appetite for humiliation, domination and cruelty.
Just like the English Public School around 1945 then :rolleyes:

Why? What happened there at quarter to eight? Are you still sore? ;)
As far as I know the Brits are the only race in history to totally eradicate another race. There is no trace left of them, the Tasmanian Aborigine.

The Carib indian was exterminated too in the Caribbean..not sure how much by the English or the Spaniards though.
Oh and maybe the Incas too but that was the Spaniards.
If you had half a brain you would know the english still rule in a part of Ireland so they have every right to drag up past and recent injustices imo.
Maybe they will start blowing up pubs again if they don't soon get out

Ah! but now we're ready for you....Thanks to the great God Tesco with their cheap booze,and the constant greed for more taxes on ale.We're gradually making it impossible for a terrorist to find a pub open...and those that are are mostly empty...another cunning plan by our wonderful politicians... :D ;)

PS...There's talk of a 10p increase on a pint in Aprils budget...so with the breweries added bit on top,that should close another thousand.
Try googling unit 731.

Just did that, hadn't heard of them.
I knew those japs were monsters, but performing live vivisections on people, including kids and babies without anastheatic...unbelievable.
Noticed all the trees are still standing i am a tree hugger
Trees are a natural defence

Back on subject please :D
To be honest, we can't continue to blame anyones forefathers for anything. Can we go back and change anything? No we can't. If we carry on down this line, then David Cameron will probably have to stand up in the Commons and apologise for the first caveman that invented fire or the pointed stick.
Gordon Brown apologised for lots of things he couldn't have possibly prevented ,,,,, What for? Get over it and move on. Christ,,, have the Jews apologised for crucifying the Son of God? (only believers can answer this one) ;) ;) ;)
Maybe in a couple of more generations people will forget what the weird Japanese national phsyche allowed them to do. But not yet, there are still many people alive who suffered directly. It's only natural that sympathy for their present plight will be tempered by a feeling that anything that befalls them is some kind of "divine" retribution.
All generalizations are wrong ........Even this one
I've googled Japan to get a insight into what part they had to play in the World War, theres a lot about raping women, killing chinese, etc.

Just wondering if anyone on here knows much about the part of history they played and what was their motive etc.

Japan has been the only country to be totally obliterrated by nuclear weapons, that nearly finished the second world war....so what you say is nonsence. And slightly offensive.

As they now have a fear of a new nuclear meltdown. I think you are way off centre with that comment. I know more about their culture, than you seemed to have googled. As most is common history.

Another reactor has exploded, unexpected, so it might be payback to uninformed posters, that don't google enough?
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