Knife Crime ....why the puss footing about ?

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It is very telling that the extreme left of the board (you know who you are) have not commented on this issue.

The government, our elected and paid representatives, are the only body with the power and authority to curtail it.
The "extreme left of the board (you know who you are)" as you call us, but we believe we are centrist, and you are the extreme right. Anyone left of fascism, BNP or EDL is extreme left in your opinion.

But we (using the royal we, as you lumped us all together, but I'm sure we are different and do have different opinions) have commented that it is government policy to reduce policing.
If you reduce policing, what do you expect.
You, and others can blame it on all sorts, but at the end of the day, if the capacity to police the country is reduced, somethings will inevitably suffer.
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The "extreme left of the board (you know who you are)" as you call us, but we believe we are centrist, and you are the extreme right. Anyone left of fascism, BNP or EDL is extreme left in your opinion.

But we (using the royal we, as you lumped us all together, but I'm sure we are different and do have different opinions) have commented that it is government policy to reduce policing.
If you reduce policing, what do you expect.
You, and others can blame it on all sorts, but at the end of the day, if the capacity to police the country is reduced, somethings will inevitably suffer.

In fairness Jason you are left. We on the other hand are centrist
In fairness Jason you are left. We on the other hand are centrist
Does that explain your racist tendencies?
You consider racists to be the centrist party?
You are becoming more absurd each time you post.
I doubt if you can comprehend: 'in fairness'.
Does that explain your racist tendencies?
You consider racists to be the centrist party?
You are becoming more absurd each time you post.
I doubt if you can comprehend: 'in fairness'.

When I listen to the crap you lot come out with I'll post something direct opposite in the hope it will make you think about the nonsense that come from your fingers
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When I listen to the crap you lot come out with I'll post something direct opposite in the hope it will make you think about the nonsense that come from your fingers
Well that's one explanation for your absurdities and racist comments.
I hope you can live with that. I couldn't, even if it were true.

"I think you are talking nonsense, so I'm going to be racist and/or absurd"
Oops, nearly forgot:
"I think you are talking nonsense, so I'm going to be racist, tell lies, and/or be absurd"

That's the most ridiculous explanation I have ever heard.
When I listen to the crap you lot come out with I'll post something direct opposite in the hope it will make you think about the nonsense that come from your fingers
Good for you! Others like you claim 'its a joke, its a joke!' when trying to reason with the bulls hit they have just spouted.
we believe we are centrist, and you are the extreme right.

Centre means majority and not necessarily morality.

My morality is simple common decency, and was the norm in the past. I personally haven't changed with the times but over the years manners, rules, regulations and laws have been relaxed, ignored and abandoned by the majority in favour of trendy new ideas based on selfishness. Being in the majority is why it's the centre, whilst my morality is now termed right wing.

Your morality shifts with fashion, mine is absolute.
But you're quite happy they can sell alcohol :confused:

Yes. Beer and whisky are amongst our favourite national drinks and have been so for hundreds of years. Cannabis is an unwelcome recent foreign import.

Alcohol is legal, cannabis is not; rightly so. Most of the population do not take cannabis, whereas most of the population do drink alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks are not necessarily only taken for purposes of intoxication; they are also taken in small amounts for the taste, for the refreshment and for thirst quenching. Cannabis is only ever taken for intoxication.

Alcohol can cause problems, but these are relatively few considering the number of people who take it. Cannabis causes proportionally more problems amongst its takers.

The method of ingestion of alcohol does not affect innocent bystanders; the way cannabis is taken creates a disgusting smell which lingers and spreads some distance, and can cause the intoxication of innocent bystanders.

Anybody who has ever intentionally smoked cannabis in Britain has broken the law. Lawbreakers should have no say in law making.
Yes. Beer and whisky are amongst our favourite national drinks and have been so for hundreds of years. Cannabis is an unwelcome recent foreign import.

Alcohol is legal, cannabis is not; rightly so. Most of the population do not take cannabis, whereas most of the population do drink alcohol.

Alcoholic drinks are not necessarily only taken for purposes of intoxication; they are also taken in small amounts for the taste, for the refreshment and for thirst quenching. Cannabis is only ever taken for intoxication.

Alcohol can cause problems, but these are relatively few considering the number of people who take it. Cannabis causes proportionally more problems amongst its takers.

The method of ingestion of alcohol does not affect innocent bystanders; the way cannabis is taken creates a disgusting smell which lingers and spreads some distance, and can cause the intoxication of innocent bystanders.

Anybody who has ever intentionally smoked cannabis in Britain has broken the law. Lawbreakers should have no say in law making.
You're out of touch again.
Studies/science has proven that alcohol is more harmful than cannabis in various ways including our health. And I can tell you, living near pubs, I've never seen a stoned hippy start a fight, throw up, shout as loud as they can, but I've seen plenty of drunk people do exactly that.. nor have I ever heard of someone on cannabis die from their habit, but I've had alcoholic friends I've lost touch with only to hear they had lost everything and died alone and far too young. I wonder too how many cannabis users arrive in A&E depts on a Fri/Sat night in hospitals up and down the country costing hundreds of thousands..?

Booze is so much more harmful. Just because it's legal, doesn't make it better and personally, I think it causes many more problems that someone smoking a joint. And no, I don't smoke it, not since I was a teenager.
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Alcohol can cause problems, but these are relatively few considering the number of people who take it.

Cannabis causes proportionally more problems amongst its takers.
In 2017, a total of 7,697 people died from alcohol-specific causes in the UK.
In 2017, a total of 29 people died from cannabis-specific causes in the UK.

Number of Alcohol users in UK 29 million
Number of Cannabis users in UK 4 million

Now lets do the maths, shall we...

Cannabis users vs alcohol users 13.8%
Cannabis deaths vs alcohol deaths 0.38%

Alcohol users 36 times more likely to die from their 'drug of choice'...

As to the effects on the UK as a whole, alcohol is a factor in 40% of violent crime.
No figures available for cannabis as a percentage of violent crime as I guess it's too low to equate :)

Centre means majority and not necessarily morality.
Center does not mean majority at all.
You need to rethink your ideas.

My morality is simple common decency, and was the norm in the past. I personally haven't changed with the times but over the years manners, rules, regulations and laws have been relaxed, ignored and abandoned by the majority in favour of trendy new ideas based on selfishness. Being in the majority is why it's the centre, whilst my morality is now termed right wing.
Center does not mean majority, so your starting in the wrong place.
If you want to get somewhere, but start in the wrong place, it doesn't matter how slavishly or rigidly you follow the directions, you're still going astray.

Your morality shifts with fashion, mine is absolute.
To a degree, you are right. My morality grows and develops with experience, education and understanding. As a centrist philosophy moves, grows, and develops.
Yours, well, as you say, it's stuck somewhere.
Buffoon Abbot was on the radio talking about this Knife crime caper , blaming every one and everything for it.

never mentioned , that when plod pursued stop and search (years ago) they were accused of being racist ;)
So go for the cause, not the symptom...

Legalise drugs...

It's brought down crime in the more enlightened areas that have done so already...

But as with most things, the UK politically resists radical change when it comes to issues that politicians believe they have to be 'tough on'!

You silly sod ! The roads are bad enough now ....drivers as high as a kite, and ganja leads to mental health problems ....
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